Other acts' album covers

  • I have never liked the covers of Fleetwood Mac & Rumours - I find them pretentiouus & off-putting, and yet they are better than Tusk, which is awful. As for REM, the cover of Automatic For The People is dreadful but so is Out Of Time

    If you and I ran a design agency we'd quickly fall out. I like Automatic - it's not brilliant and not in my top 10 but I like it. I'm with you on the cover of OOT, it's terrible. I agree FM and Rumours are bad, but not pretentious as I don't think they were being particularly serious. However, I think Tusk is way better.

    I likely posted this cover somewhere else at some point in the last five years, but I really like it. It's the cover of Relatives in Descent by Protomartyr, one of my favorite albums by one of my favorite bands. The woman was an American actress born in the late 19th century, apparently. There's something direct and unsettling about it

    I like it a lot and agree with your angle on it

    Abandon all reason

  • OK...please tell me why you like the cover of Automatic For The People. I need to know.

    I mentioned Dylan. His (possibly) two worst albums, Knocked Out Loaded and Saved, have the worst covers.

    I find AFTP oddly striking and I like that it has to be looked up and its significance understood beyond those who'd be in the know. It's kind of the album cover take on the 'found object' concept - in this case a thing that's part of the band's home environment, and with its graphical starkness and associated slogan it lends both a cover image and title.

    Those Dylan covers are appalling.

    Abandon all reason

  • I find AFTP oddly striking and I like that it has to be looked up and its significance understood beyond those who'd be in the know. It's kind of the album cover take on the 'found object' concept - in this case a thing that's part of the band's home environment, and with its graphical starkness and associated slogan it lends both a cover image and title.

    Those Dylan covers are appalling.

    Well, if you consider the recording studio in Miami their home environment, given that they came from Athens, Georgia. Apparently Michael Stipe took the photo. I still don't like it.

  • Well, if you consider the recording studio in Miami their home environment, given that they came from Athens, Georgia.

    I wrongly conflated the title and the image. I thought the star was from the front of the Athens restaurant from which the title slogan is taken, but no you're right the object is from a hotel near the Miami studio.

    Don't worry, I didn't expect you to suddenly do a 180 and like the image because of my explanation of why I do like it!

    Abandon all reason