Your favorite tracks on ... "US"

  • An easy one for me

    1 Come talk to me

    2 Love to be loved

    3 Secret world.


    4 Digging in the dirrt

    5 Washing of the water

    6 Steam

    7 Kiss that frog

    8 Blood of eden

    9 Fourteen black paintings

    10 Only us

    When I bought the album, I thought "Only us" was something like the US title track and expected a strong numer and played it first. Quite a disappointment...


  • I actually just listened to this album on half-speed vinyl (superb) yesterday, for the first time in months-and was reminded how great this album is!

    This was very hard for me to pick just three! There's really only one song I "dislike" on the album (Only Us), and there's like five I love!

    I went with:

    1. Love To Be Loved (one of my fave PG songs)

    2. Secret World

    3. Come Talk To Me

    I'd say although it seems less popular, Steam gets an honorable mention...