Why not join me in counting down our top 10 Genesis tracks (1 track per week to give occasional visitors to the site time to respond and everyone else time to replay and reshuffle the order of their old favourites) I’ll tally up the results after we finish. You can say as much or as little about the tracks as you like: no pressure!
So for the next 7 days, please respond with NUMBER 10 only.
As for mine, I’ve had a lot of trouble finalising this top 10 and in the process of shuffling tracks up and down, quickly realised that within the list were sub-categories which just happen to coincide with the medals awarded at Chelsea (Bronze, Silver, Silver-Gilt & Gold). So without further ado, I’ll start my countdown
10. Undertow (Bronze)
It is often said that Genesis are dead and that all you can read on their tombstone is ‘And Then There Were Three.’
I disagree, although I would add to the album title the epithet: ‘Anyone out there play guitar?’ Having said that, there are some well crafted, if admittedly shorter, songs here of which Undertow with its anthemic chorus stands proud. Scatter the tracks across a playlist and it’s easier to tolerate that wall of synthesiser sound that plugged the gaps created by Hackett’s departure and Mike’s apprenticeship as lead guitarist (sorry, Mike, but by your own admission you struggled and only just managed to pull it off)
So: yes, a departure from the epics of yesteryear and musically much less complex but rousing atmospheric stuff nonetheless - and to those who blame this on Collins: change the frickin’ record: his writing credits were few on this album and remember that nothing ... but nothing.. gets done in Genesis without a nod from Banks!