Gone the carving
And those who left their mark - Time Table
Gone the carving
And those who left their mark - Time Table
Killing foe for peace...bang, band, bang - Supper's Ready
Give it up, baby - She Is Beautiful
You know I want to, but I'm in too deep - In Too Deep
People sleeping in the streets - Tell Me Why
Smoke a cigar? Take the best - Down & Out
There's something solid forming in the air,
The wall of death is lowered in Times Square - Fly on a Windshield
Everyday is such a perfect day to spend - Follow You Follow Me
Do you think I'm to blame?
Tell me do you think I'm to blame? - Abacab
Erogenous zones I love you - Counting Out Time
Undinal songs
Urge the sailors on - Firth Of Fifth
No way in no way out - Say It's Alright Joe
There's an angel standing in the sun, and he's crying with a loud voice, "This is the supper of the mighty one" - Supper's Ready
Everything is alright - Jesus He Knows Me
The Dragon's coming out of the sea, with the shimmering silver head of wisdom looking at me - Supper's Ready
Evidence of autumn and recent rain - Evidence of Autumn
Now did you read the news today - Land Of Confusion
You say I must be crazy, 'cos I don't care who I hit, who I hit. - Back in NYC
Things that go to make up a life - Home By The Sea
Everyone looked so strange to him - A Trick Of The Tail