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You must be joking - take a running jump (Harold the Barrel)
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You must be joking - take a running jump (Harold the Barrel)
I've already posted in the new thread!
Put another record on (self-explanatory)
Not me, just quietly buried in stones - Anyway
She dabs her skin with pretty smells
Concealing to appeal.
The Cinema Show
My vote’s for a new thread too
Look, look into my mouth he cries - SR
Some of you are going to die - The Knife
A dozen properties - we'll buy at five and sell at thirty four - GEOBF
Round and down and sideways they go - Home By The Sea
Or I may never think again. - Undertow
Nobody needs to discover me, I'm back again - Looking For Someone
Now the fire warms the room. - Undertow
Martyrs of course to the freedom that I shall provide - The Knife
Early morning Manhattan- LLDOB
My vote’s for a new thread too
It's done!
Nothing can stop them (The Return of the Giant Hogweed)
Many are the substitutes but they're powerless on their own - Heathaze
Nightime's flyers feel their pains - LLDOB
See the ruined faces and the ruined lives - One Man's Fool
Slubberdegullions on a squeaky feet (The Colony of Slippermen)