(Marie's The Name) His Latest Flame - Elvis Presley
Songs titles with peoples names
Loves Songs for a Vampire - Annie Lennox
Carrie-Anne (The Hollies)
Annie's Song - Rick Van Der Linden
Suite: Judy Blues Eyes - CSN
Patricia - Genesis
The Barry Williams Show - Peter Gabriel
Lady Jane - Rolling Stones
Billion Dollar Babies - (Alice Cooper)
Poor Tom - Led Zeppelin
Helene - Peter Kingsbery
Ceasar - Peter Kingsbery
Sandrine - Peter Kingsbery
Bishop Gaillot - Peter Kingsbery
(The latter is a real person, look him up!)
Mae Comes Back - Tangerine Dream
New Kid In Town (The Eagles)
Lord Grenville - Al Stewart
Almost Lucy - Al Stewart
Tommy Can You Hear Me? - The Who
Tanya - Mike Nesmith
Amy - Elton John
Amoreena - Elton John
Fritha - Camel
Alice's Eerie Dream - Franck Carducci