Your favorite tracks on ... "Invisible Touch"

  • Your favorite tracks on "Invisible Touch" - pick THREE 86

    1. Domino (71) 83%
    2. Tonight, Tonight, Tonight (59) 69%
    3. The Brazilian (42) 49%
    4. Land Of Confusion (28) 33%
    5. Throwing It All Away (25) 29%
    6. Invisible Touch (11) 13%
    7. Anything She Does (10) 12%
    8. In Too Deep (3) 3%

    I'd like to carry on with the album song polls. So this time it's Invisible Touch. Although it only has eight tracks, let's still to the "pick three" scheme.

    Previous Polls (still running!)

    Your favorite tracks on ... "We Can't Dance"

    Your favorite tracks on ... "Calling All Stations"

  • Land Of Confusion, Domino & Throwing It All Away - which when I finally got to see Phil sing it, suddenly vaulted up my list of favourite songs. Very hard to leave out Tonight, Tonight, Tonight.

  • Domino, Brazilian and TTT for me. I would put Land of Confusion just slightly lower than those probably because of the excellent live performances of this song I've seen. After that it's a pretty steep drop off to the remaining four songs...

  • Land of Confusion - just think this is one of their standout "straight forward" tracks

    Domino - a live favorite

    Tonight Tonight Tonight - I love the way Phil sings on that one!

    ... make tomorrow today!

    • Official Post

    Brazilian, Tonight Tonight Tonight and Land Of Confusion for me. Domino would be #4

    Land Of Confusion is a great track and probably also a key track for the band. It brought in a lot of new listeners, who would eventually discover older albums... and that does the trick :)

    • Official Post

    The album was released 34 years ago (UK yesterday / US today)

    I actually still like listening to it. I simply never compare this with Selling or Trick. Doesn't make much sense anyway

  • Domino, TTT and TIAA.

    I remember when it came out and being pleasantly surprised after the disappointment of the previous album. I remember watching in disbelief as the band turned into one of, if not THE biggest band of the planet for a while. So it holds a special place for my heart.

    As I've mentioned in another thread, I don't think it has aged well, mostly because of the production. But I reckon it's full of really good songs, with the exception of ASD, the inclusion of which baffles me now, as it did then

    Its never going to stand up to Duke or what came before (IMO) but I still like it lot.

  • The only Genesis album -- and one of probably only a few non-compilation albums in history -- where a whole side (1) consists entirely of songs that were released as singles. And there's also a single from side 2 on top of that!

    Edited once, last by DecomposingMan ().

  • I simply never compare this with Selling or Trick

    I think there's a lot to be said for a band that progresses. Genesis, for me, changed through the years but maintained their integrity. I wouldn't want to listen to A Trick Of The Tail and then Invisible Touch and say, "Yes, this sounds like exactly the same band!"

    I know they get ribbed by some fans for having commercial success with the three-man lineup but every decision they made was theirs and theirs alone and not dictated to them by the record company or the producer.

  • I don't think it has aged well, mostly because of the production.

    What issues do you have with the production? I revisited both mixes of the album this week because I'm revising some of the mixes I did on my own copy and the production sounds perfect to me. Obviously, Nick's remix brings out some bits here and there - there's more of Mike's guitar solo on The Brazilian, some more keyboard sounds on Tonight Tonight Tonight and some extra vocals at the end of Anything She Does - but it's a solid sounding album and doesn't use dated sounds (like, say, Owner Of A Lonely Heart by Yes).

  • Well, I think it does sound a bit dated, due to the instrumentation and production. That's the 80s for you (or me more specifically)

    Guess we just disagree.

    Doesn't mean I don't like it.

  • The original CD suffers from the same problem a lot of early CDs did; they're lacking bottom end and the treble sounds harsh and tinny at times. "Thin" is how I'd describe it.

    The 2007 remix makes everything sound a lot more spacious (making it easier to hear a lot of subtle details that were previously squished) but it also removed that digital gloss and increased the bass, making the album sound more balanced.

  • Domino followed by i remember that this album replaced So as number 1 in the US album charts?...maybe i dreamt that but a good time for the boys. All that hard work in early years paid off !

  • Well, I think it does sound a bit dated, due to the instrumentation and production. That's the 80s for you (or me more specifically)

    Guess we just disagree.

    Doesn't mean I don't like it.

    Yeah for me there was always something a bit too bright, shiny and clattery about the sound but as WinstonWolf said above the 07 remaster is a lot better.

    Abandon all reason