What movie have you watched?

  • Yesterday I went to see Perfect Days. It depicts the life of a toilet cleaner in Tokyo. That doesn't sound very enticing, but I found it a beautiful pencil-sketch of a film and at times very touching.

    A couple of things that stuck in my mind. A few times we see him take a seat in one or other of a couple of noodle bars. Each time, he's presented with a glass of iced water and the server says either "For all your hard work" or "At the end of a long day". I don't know if it's something they decided to have those specific characters say, or a Japanese tradition. Either way I really liked it and found it charming.

    I've never been to Tokyo but now fancy going if only to use their public toilets. One shown in the film has transparent door and walls, but turns opaque as soon as the door is locked. As Columbo would say - well, how about that?

    Abandon all reason