To be honest I think a more sensible solution to this but ultimately not acceptable to all I guess would be to plan on altering these shows to outside venues, you could then limit the amount of people inside for example - football grounds to lower numbers then would normally be the case. For example say old Trafford in Manchester holds 80,000 seated?, then you could allow the 40,000 who booked for the Arena shows x 2 to attend an outdoor show with more space and room for them. With the added bonus of the virus transmission not been as easy outside?. It would have benefits for the group and especially Phil not having to do 20 shows which could be more tiring given his poor health. I know it isn’t perfect but looking at this could be an option. I do believe they are planning on doing a trial of opening outdoor sporting venues later this year. You could fit the 40,000 for the two Manchester dates in Old Trafford and only need the one show and have plenty of room for social distancing . Also put seats instead of standing on the pitch.
You could then distribute the tickets based on purchase price paid initially, if you paid premium price you could sit in front of the stage and further back if you paid less. I know this is probably not agreeable to some given acoustics and the sound not being as good, but it’s a compromise I would accept!.