Posts by NedFlanders123

    Robert Schroeder - 'Ambient Occlusion' (2016)

    [Blocked Image:]

    German electronic music artist. Extensive catalogue. Highly recommended.

    I have this and all other apart from Cream (came out around 8 years ago - I had it but lost it when my hard drive went up in smoke) and latest 2 DMO Vol 4 and Flavour of the Past. Maybe Genesis 1964 can advise?

    I also listen to music as often as I have the occasion to (3 - 4 albums a day, at weekends even more). But differently to Noni, COT or Ned Flanders123 I do not listen to so many bands and albums. I own around 1,200 albums. But there are only around 500 albums, I listen to regularly more or less and around 200, I know every note and line of. If I get a new album, I usually keep listening to it 10 or 15 times in a row until I know it quite well. I wonder if Noni, COT or Ned can do the same considering the huge amount of albums, they have. I guess there are different approaches to listening to music. One is, to get to know as much as possible, the other one is to really get into, what you have.

    I don't mean to criticize, it is just an observation.

    I took early retirement. Just don't tell my wife that my main reason was to find more time to listen to more music lol

    Are you also aware that the first album has been remastered and out as a 3 CD box set containing some other music from their time with the Colossus Project (I have all of their albums) and demos, unreleased and different versions?

    Have this album Slowdancer.. It was good.. ;)

    Some of the core members founded a new group called United Progressive Fraternity. And they also have an album out called Fall In Love With The World.

    Own 3 albums by Unitopia..... More then a Dream, Artificial and Covered Mirror Vol 1

    You mean to tell me that you haven't got the superb double The garden CD? How about the Live in Europe?

    It is a superb album and very much similar to Unitopia particularly in the 21 minute track.. Also if you haven't heard of them Southern Empire is Sean Timm's project and well worth a listen too.