I got Columbus - here's how it went
Logged in 30 minutes early
At 10 early it refreshed the page and said wait to be put into the queue
At 0 minutes I was put in the queue with 600+ ahead of me (not bad)
When that ran up I got the map screen of the arena (here's where it got slightly weird)
I picked a section that (when I hovered my mouse over it) said tix were $250
I found two seats near the front that were available (already many unavailable)
Clicked next ... message said those seats were taken!
Found two other seats in a same-priced section (other side of arena)
Clicked next ... same message that I was beaten to those seats
Found two others seats in a same-priced section
Clicked next ... total is $1,200! what?! The price suddenly changed for that section!
Clicked back to find new seats and now many are filling up
Found some "at the very tiny people at the back" section - sigh
Clicked next ... message said "sit tight, we're getting your tickets"
... waiting ... waiting ... then it times out and says "the timeout is give everyone a fair shot" (>:|)
I go back *again* to the arena map and now there's hardly any seats in the price range I want (and none where 2 are together!)
SUDDENLY! A bunch of seats become available! (I guess others got timed out??)
Found two seats *near* the first section I was trying for - GOT EM!
I'm pleased enough with my seats and the price (I expected over $200 - got them for $250 ea.)
but lordy lord I CALL SHENANIGANS on the deceptive pricing, the "available" seats becoming "unavailable" when I clicked to buy them, the unfair timeout (when it was them, not me, who was taking their time), and the sudden re-emergence of seats!
Good luck everyone! I saw seats priced at $800+ and those weren't even on the floor.