I see no reason for us to doubt Steve or consider him a boob or liar for the sons of the Beatles comment. He does mention it quite a lot, but personally I find Lennon to be a musician that holds little value to me for the way he conducted his life and relationships. I preferred George and Paul to John and didn’t care for the politics. I don’t need a Lennon endorsement to make me love Genesis. I adore them more than any prog band, even a few centimeters more than Yes….and that’s saying a lot because I’m a lifelong Yes maniac…
Posts by Art Vandaley
They forgot to mention he divorced his ex-wife by fax.
What??? Who?
See album covers thread here.
Can't stand Yes's RD ones. The two Hipgnosis ones, while not brilliant, were a relief of sorts.
You hate Roger Dean’s covers!? WTH!? First time I’ve ever heard such a thing. Barbarous! Madness! He’s a legend and was a pleasure to meet!
I took the wife and kids to see Peter in Palm Desert in October….WOW! The kids were blown away, very impressed, super excited when they left….
We all just saw Steve Hackett in Santa Barbara….met him after the show….amazing! -
That's the most beautiful ugliest cover I've ever seen... Weird.
Looking forward to the album !
In my humble opinion, Genesis has never had a good album cover. The music from 71-77 captures my soul. The album covers are a major disappointment. Yes, otoh, are SUBLIME thanks to my boy Roger Dean!
Having fed Rusty his excess Beef- A-Reeno...
"Oh god...What do you feed this horse?!
(smothering nose and mouth) "Oh you know... oats and hay... they love that stuff..."
His absurdly exaggerated tumble as he's trying to carry in all the stuff he's "over-bought" 😆
The awkward dinner with the Rosses. Estelle, when told the wine is Merlot, shrieking "I've never heard of it! Did they just invent it?" - one of my favourite Estelle lines!
Frank - "So you've got your hen... and you've got your chicken. What I wanna know is: who's having sex with the rooster?"
(Mr Ross - "They all are")
By the way that Rye episode also features Elaine "getting hot and heavy" with the saxophonist - who of course then can't play properly at his showcase gig as he's lost his lip control due to the hotness and heaviness!
I like the episode where Kramer is giving Georges future in-laws a hansom cab ride. “There’s hot cocoa in the back seat if the mood should strike you…” and within seconds the horse is firing gas bombs 😂😂😂
Ozark has a new season on Netflix. That show is fantastic.
I hate to say this as it pains me to do so as a huge Genesis/Phil fan, but I watched him singing Lsnd of Confusion on YouTube from their show in Newcastle, UK…🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
That was ROUGH. Poor guy. Not sure this your should’ve happened. Better to go out on top I think.
My favourite bit of that exchange is as Jerry hangs up the phone you just catch his dad's voice at the other end, "Plum!"
Morty in the 'Outing' when they think Jerry is gay - "It was those damn coulots you made him wear when he was a kid!" (Helen - "By accident! By accident Jerry, I'm sorry!")
I always joke about that line with my wife! She’ll tell me she’s under the weather or one of our three kids feels lousy and I say, “GIVE EM A PLUM!!”
“War!? What is it good for!? What!? What is that?! What is zhat noise!? What is zhat noise that travels up my spine through to my brain!!!?” 😜😂😂😂
gotta say, the “Yuri Testikov” plot where he’d hear noises and go Berkeley, so damn funny! That beeper organizer he threw out the limo!! 😂😂😂
"All I want is a sock that's comfortable and stays on my foot!"
When Elaine realises Lipman's deal, which would've got her away from Mr. Pitt, has gone south - "Excuse me... gotta go buy some socks...."
I love the recurring motifs around Mr Pitt - Elaine constantly prevented from joining in with Jerry's plans - "I can't go...." with that childishly sad face. Jerry's equally childlike "Hi Mr Pitt!"
Boy, me, too! She had one great opportunity after another that got deep sixxed over Mr. Pitt’s idiotic requests!
Jerry’s dad, Morty—-“TELL HIM TO EAT A PLUM!” 😜😂😜
Mr. Pitt goes through hell trying to find the correct socks and it drives Elaine to the brink 😜😜😜
Personally I am not willing to keep getting Moderna jabs for the rest of my life. I had my two shots. I eat right (mostly vegan), get my nutrients and vitamins, and I try to avoid Black Friday style crowds. I’m at the point that if I get it, I get it. Whatever. I’m at the point I think COVID, which is quite real, is being overblown and definitely used politically. Im not an antivaxxer to be sure (just got my flu shot), but I can’t imagine pumping protein spiking MRNA fluids into ourselves for years being a good thing.
Why Can’t this be Love?
Van Hagar