Let me preface my comments by saying that I have the ultimate respect for what The Musical Box does. There is no band like them, period. I actually view them more as a Broadway show (think Beatlemania) as opposed to a "tribute" band since they literally, down the nth degree, recreate certain Genesis tour shows (with the exception of the Extravaganza). However, after watching videos of this latest show, I'm beginning to wonder whether they're sort of reached their end? It's one thing to do a Lamb show, for example, when you're 30 years old. In that instance, you're actually fairly close to how old Genesis actually were at the time (they were 24-25 years old). However, TMB members must now be 50+, I would think, given that they started nearly 30 years ago. It looks a little strange, now, to see a heavier, older (50 year old) man traipsing around in a leather jacket on stage. We're all older (I'm almost 10 years older than them) so this isn't aimed at them from that perspective. I'm just wondering whether paying tribute to the music, without trying to recreate the world of a 23-25 year old, might not be better suited to their current reality? Another option, which would definitely be worth pursuing, is to get younger musicians to keep doing these faithful recreations. That certainly would fit with the spirit of Beatlemania which had several touring band members. Just some random thoughts.