Posts by pawciob1

    Hahahahaha. :))))) Seriously - good comparison. :) Figurative - I say this without irony. You're right. It's just that when you've never written or talked to someone - or very little (I'm talking in general), and the person seems very reserved, silent and withdrawn - I sometimes have trouble establishing contact. I don't blame the "withdrawn" person for this - I'm just sometimes tense at first. Here I mean this "problem". Each of us simply has different character traits.

    I've never traded with Mark. By the way, it wouldn't even be a bad idea - but first of all, Mark probably has more 70's concerts that I don't have, and secondly, I definitely have more things to trade in the case of solo Phil. In any case, you can't complain about Mark , but you just have to be careful with him. I prefer more "accessible" people - but there are much, much worse.

    No, I mean the level of lies and rudeness. Not about murdering people - God forbid, I'm not comparing Mark Kenyon here. But the level of lies is absolutely equal to Putin's. :) At least in the sense that his recordings allegedly have copyrights and that they are "not subject to" sale. I know a little more about it than you - that's all I can say. I won't say anymore.

    Mark Kenyon is definitely infamous hahahahaha. I really don't want to use epithets - there is no such liar even in politics. But when I compared him to Putin in terms of his level of lies over a year ago, he shut up hahaha. And I have a good opinion about Mark Batatis - you just have to always weigh your words with him.

    We have two very famous guys named Mark among Genesis fans hahahaha. While we know what Mark Kenyon is like (I don't want to use epithets), Mark Batatis is fine. He's terribly principled, but I've never had any problems with him. You always have to weigh your words with him, God forbid you not use such hateful language as some people do on Facebook. If you are fair to him and the other fans, he is also fair to you. The very fact that he created a group where you can look for some unknown recordings proves that he is alright.

    Mark Batatis is the administrator of 2 Facebook profiles dedicated to Genesis - you can find links to them below. He has been a collector for several decades. It's strange that you don't know who it is. Christian definitely knows. The groups are private, only from what I see, the post about Phil's health was removed due to controversial and "hating" comments. I can't find it yet. But such a discussion was 10000000000000% at the very end of May. If necessary, users of this group will confirm it.

    Links to both groups (including the Genesis collectors group, where you can establish trade contacts) are here. By the way, you can join them. - Genesis From Revelation to The Last Domino Unofficial Live Collectors

    I'll keep looking for this post, but it looks like it was deleted (there was a really long discussion under it). As I wrote - if necessary, people will confirm my version.

    But I guess a person might ask a question about Phil's health, right? It is nothing bad. I'm also interested in how Phil is feeling - because there has been silence on this subject, we haven't heard anything about him at all for 2 years. It's obvious that Phil won't go on any tour again, either alone or with Genesis - none of us expects that. Besides, Ronnie is no longer alive, and most of the people in his band are already over 70 years old. It's a pity, however, that Phil is in such poor health - 73 years old is not an age to be de facto bedridden. Sad thing.

    Mark Batatis wrote a month ago on Facebook that Phil reportedly requires 24-hour medical care. Supposedly. I don't know where Mark found out about this - but he certainly has his sources. In any case, it is rather unchanged - or even worse. It is shocking what treatment options Phil has compared to the vast majority of people. It's hard to believe.

    We simply don't know in terms of concert recordings and demo recordings. We can understand all this to mean that Concord acquired the rights to the music, but what kind? Studio music? Live ? Certainly for the studio music, but live? What happened for example to all those Phil recordings from 2004? Phil then said that he had every rehearsal recorded with the Genesis. I have no idea and to this day we still haven't found out.

    Thanks for the information. :)))) We were talking about these Christian demos recently hahaha. This set will probably be another wasted opportunity to learn something new - for example demo for We Fly So Close. I have some hopes for these concert pieces, that there will be at least 1 or 2 "new" songs - but oh well. They are really working to their own detriment - after all, they would earn a lot of money by selling some previously unknown demos. But they should just make an effort and work a little. There's nothing we can do about it.

    Ehhhhhhhh. Thanks Christian for the information. What's annoying is that there is contact for them (but I don't have it), these recordings are de facto "at your fingertips" - and they don't want to give it to you anyway - I don't know why. You could even pay a reasonable price for it. I don't know if anyone has suggested this to them in the past. The point is that since Phil is terribly ill, it won't be officially released yet. Therefore, taking these recordings from them is simply the only solution. I would ask them if they would give these recordings, even for a fee- and in small group. But I have no contact with them. All right.

    I wrote myself that I am a pessimist. :) But it doesn't hurt to ask. Only now, after almost a year, I read this conversation thoroughly. There aren't that many unknown demos left - but I would especially like to listen to this demo for Colors (Hymn). This is one of my favorite Phil songs. We can ask, especially since some of Phil's recordings (I cannot write publicly which ones - privately I can) circulate "in a rare or quite rare circle". Unfortunately, they cannot be shown publicly. I have several of them myself. I doubt this collector would want to show these demos even to a small group - but damn - we won't get killed for asking this question.

    Very please-full 40 minutes rehearsals with Youtube-

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    . Link to this rehearsals on Movement- https://torrent.genesis-moveme…rents-details.php?id=8414 . There is a website for fans of Genesis and Phil, here you have real gems, something unique. ::) Thousands of Genesis concerts, solo Peter, Phil, Steve, Mike, Tony and some Genesis tribute concerts. :) Register there for free - it's really worth it.

    Hahahaha. You're right, Backdrifter - and I mean it seriously, I like the "decor" of these rooms - it doesn't look like 1992, but at the beginning of the 21st century. The clip itself is amazing - I didn't think I would hear even a minute of rehearsals from Chiddingfold 1992. Sometimes miracles do happen, David really should receive something from all of us as a thank you at some point. For fans of the rehearsals and the tour itself (especially its beginning) from 1992, this is a gem. I hope this will be a signal to those marketing "geniuses" at Genesis to really think about releasing something "new". Tony Mennard's clip (the one I showed here) - has as many as 100,000 views in 2 days. I'm surprised myself. Really, for a normal band, this should be a signal that there is demand for something and you should think about opening the archives of the band and solo Phil at the same time. But unfortunately, there is no sign of that for now.