How could a remix help make the album closer to what the band intended without said remix having any input from the band.
Since everyone involved in the original is still alive, I don't see why getting them involved in the remixing process is anything but a good thing.
Because the band are all grown up and a long way from where they were when they made the album. I don't think it would be too much of a stretch to say there might be people from outside the band better able to a dispassionate, objective take on what the teenage Genesis would have wanted than the aged members of Genesis themselves. I fear the weight of their experience might smother the naive charm of their teenage selves.
Or maybe not! As far as I can tell they all seem pretty much at peace with themselves these days, so perhaps the temptation to rewrite the past isn't there and what we'll get will be a sensitive, period-appropriate mix without the strings. I honestly think that's more likely at this point, and I'm looking forward to hearing it, but given their track record I do think there's also a reasonable chance it could all go badly wrong.