Posts by MoreThanThis
Of course if you compare it to his 40s or even 50s, he lost a lot of strength on his voice, mainly the very easy and relaxed way he used to go from his strong chest voice to falset. You could feel it live, I dont know if in the videos it reflects to much, but as they say, hey, he is on his 70s, its notmal. He is starting to use the resources that his carrear gave to him, going to midle voices sometimes, having strong chorus, etc. If you compare with Paul Mccartneys, Rod Stewarts or Elton Jhons voices nowadays, he is in much better shape
So is he performing 2 sets?
Fireplace concert kind of start
Hello Everyone!!!
Anyone going to Krakow? Want to meet for some beers or whatever?
God Im so exciteeeddd!!!!