Posts by IWishItWouldRainDown


    '76 Concert Film stand-alone release

    Match of the Day music video

    Whole Lyceum'80

    Whole Three Sides Live


    Whole Mama Tour Live


    Whole Wembley'87

    We Can't Dance 2

    Knebworth'92 official release


    Thro' These Walls music video official DVD release (one of his best videos)

    Perkins'82 official DVD release

    ...But Seriously, The Videos official DVD release

    Both Sides of the World Tour

    MTV Unplugged

    Whole Live and Loose

    Wake Up Call music video official release

    3rd Divorce album

    Other Sides CD release

    Remixed Sides CD release

    As I said previously I do not want my aim to impose my ideas on others, just to share them. I have held for a time the intuition that We Can't Dance has a connection with the Fatherhood topic and finding that We Can't Dance was going to be called at first Father+Son had left me amused.

    I said We Can't Dance is the best album ever, because it is so and I do not miss any occasion to vindicate it.


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Tony write the lyrics to Fading Lights?

    I have found this:

    According to Phil, in an interview with the late Geoff Parkyn for the Genesis fanclub magazine, We Can't Dance was the first album for which he had written the vocal lines for all the songs, not just the ones he wrote.

    (Source: "Phil: I’m Open to Genesis Reunion With Son on Drums -- Rolling Stone Article" Thread Comment by StillCan'tDance on 19th Aug 2018)

    During the bridge section of Illegal Alien (every fan's favourite song), amongst the trumpet and the car horns, Phil can be heard improvising various bits of dialogue. I've never known what he's saying, though.

    He is saying some sentences in Spanish.

    From what I gathered:

    "Y ahora nos vamos a ir hacia América" Trans: "And now we are going to go to America"

    "Y por qué nos ibamos a ir a Australia?" Trans: "And why should we have gone to Australia?"

    "Nos vamos a América" Trans: "We are going to America"

    English interjection: "Fuck"

    "Quiero ir a los "USA"" Trans: "I want to go to the USA"

    "Qué sí! Qué sí!" Trans: "YES, indeed! YES, indeed!"

    Then turning back to English:

    "If we are going to America, what the FUCK! Fuck! Fuck!"

    I was just carrying on with a kind of brainstorm on some of my ideas. I am not aiming to impose my opinion on others. They were only hypotheses that I wanted to share. As I said previously I have for a long time the belief that We Can't Dance (best album ever) is about Fatherhood and Shapes is about Motherhood (in other words some kind of concept albums) and finding in this thread the other day that We Can't Dance's working title was Father+Son made a bell rung with me and got me thinking that maybe I was not the only one. That's All.


    4. Shapes' corresponding was called The Mama Tour. But I think this was for Mama being Genesis' most successful single in England.

    5. At first, Tony Smith was a bit hesitant towards Mama as he thought it was about abortion.

    6. I think both Mama and It's Gonna Get Better deal with different parts of the same story with the same character as both songs warn about the dangers of "the city".

    Regarding "Shapes":

    1. Mama (needless to say more).

    2. Apart from Shapes, Genesis' 1983 album is also informally known as Mama or The Mama Album.

    3. The soothing of It's Gonna Get Better seems to me like a return to the comfort and/or protection of a Mother. Besides there are mentions of a Sister and a Brother.

    There are more connections, but I think they are quite brains-racking.

    Regarding We Can't Dance:

    1. No Son of Mine (needless to say more).

    2. The album's cover (needless to say more).

    3. Since I Lost You was composed by Phil Collins for Eric Clapton after the death of the latter's son Conor. What is more, some lines of the lyrics were taken from the conversation between Collins and Clapton after the tragedy.

    4. Fading Lights is a farewell song hinting a remorse for a deceased parent (reinforced by the album's cover)or a goodbye from a dying parent. This was/is a sensitive subject for Phil, as he thought/thinks he did not spend enough time with his Father. The song also calls for making the most of one's time, with an emphasis on being with one's own loved ones.

    5. As previously said, We Can't Dance's working title was Father and Son.

    6. The "My Heart" of Hold On My Heart could mean one's own Child/Offspring instead of one's own spouse/lover/sentimental partner. The song deals with the recipient of love having to be protected. And a child needs to be protected more than an adult.

    7. Driving the Last Spike mentions the navvies' children who were about to stop seeing their fathers for a long time, if not forever.

    These are not all the connections, but I think they are the most clear ones.