Posts by Thelawnmower

    This is very interesting to watch. I like the way he simplifies some of the motifs from Cinema Show as he’s the sole drummer. But he also has a lot of the power of his dad and some really nice little flourishes with the snare that I can imagine Phil playing. Great drumming.

    Thank you. Cromarty is one of my favourite places and I know that cinema. I like the fact that Ian Rankin goes to his place on Cromarty to write and I can see why he does. Lots of great things planned and also plenty of family tree research for my wife (McKenzie). We will certainly have a look at the seafood shack. Hope you had a good break but I can’t understand why you need a holiday from all this!

    ‘You off out?’

    ‘Like the dust that settles all around me

    I must find a new home,

    The ways and holes that used to give me shelter

    Are all as one to me now….’

    ‘You need to lighten up mate’

    Interesting notion of the re-imagining, and wholeheartedly agree with how it would be good to rediscover the nuance and variety of this earlier phase. My only fear with the re-recording idea is that he's lost his previous pencil-sketch clarity and economy, and has a tendency to overdo things now. With eg Nightmare the original was as 'fiddly' as he got back then but was still economical. If he re-did it now I suspect he'd go nuts on it and destroy its charm.

    yes that’s probably true on reflection. To stretch the point further- it would probably work with the band he recorded Guitar Noir with. I do like his current live band but as soon as he gets in a studio he seems to just reorganise songs from Wolflight onwards- such a shame.

    Shocking cover, don't like the drum machine- although it's used as well as it possibly could be- and Steve's voice, as I have read him say subsequently, was reed thin at that time. Yet there is a genuineness to it and some really nice songs, plus of course air conditioned nightmare which sounds great with drums live. I'd like to hear him re-record these songs with his new vocal techniques and re-arranged for a band. I'd also like him to re-discover some of the variety here on his next album.

    Not his worst by any means. I seem to remember around that time the music press praising this album and its vocals and also Acting very strange and its vocals, but still resolutely hating anything by Genesis. I saw Steve on this tour and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    Mmmm. Not sure how to sum this up. It’s a very well written and performed song, excellent in fact. But I’m not sure I like it much. It just doesn’t retain my attention and whilst it’s never offensive I just leave it on and wait for the next track if that makes sense, and as the next track is The Brazilian, that’s fine. I understand why Chester likes it, I think in a long and complicated drumming set, it would be a chance to play some nice simple fills with feeling and enjoy the audience enjoying the song, it does have a good feel live - although I could do without the call and answer stuff.

    Really looking forward to this one. Snatched up Holmfirth tickets as fast as I could but must be losing my touch- ticket nos 12-15, last time I had 1 and 2. Please don’t pass me the mic. on Carpet Crawlers again, it’s not in my key, along with every other song written. Hoping there will be perhaps a deep cut or a

    song you’ve never done before? But I’m sure it will be a great set anyway. Laters!

    A strong track from an underpowered album. Tony is all over it but Phil sings well, especially as the lyrics- which I like a lot- are a bit of a mouthful at times. I miss Steve’s guitar on this but at the same time the band do sound well balanced and the dynamics shift nicely with the pace and mood of the song. So a good solid effort, with a melancholy, wintery, feel.

    I'm now going to stretch the use of this thread to what I reckon is its most tenuous extent yet. I confidently predict this will be the thinnest possible 'Genesis In The Media' vapour you can imagine. But hey, I started the thread so I feel some ownership of it so I can do what I want with it! Here we go.

    Being an election obsessive I was watching coverage of 3 regional by-elections in the small hours of the morning. One was in Somerset, and had a reporter on site at the vote count which was taking place in the Showering Pavilion of the Royal Bath Showground which, as the reporter noted, is where farm animals are raised. It's also where I saw Genesis play in 1982 on the Encore Tour. I could even pick out the spot where my friends and I stood. It was an odd venue then, essentially a big concrete agricultural shed, and seemed no less odd now.

    So there's my most nebulous contribution to this thread yet. I saw a journalist on TV reporting from a by-election count in a weird venue where I saw Genesis play 41 years ago.

    I wonder if this counts as a niche entry? I’m currently using my very humble artistic skills to produce ‘Grandad’s Book of Birds’ for my, at the moment, two, grandchildren. Accepting that I might have more grandchildren in the future, this offering is never likely to have a print run in double figures. Today I’m working on Feral Pigeons and, as I often slip in a bit of a poetry quotation to go with a bird,

    I have obviously included a few (carefully chosen) lines from our heroes. Does this count as Genesis in the Media? I doubt it as it’s not exactly in the public domain but God loves a trier I’m told

    This is better than the Freddie one

    from the other post, but apart from anything else there are different eras of Phil’s voice- I suppose on certain words this does have a passing likeness to Phil’s voice in the Geese and the Ghost, but not altogether convincing.