Posts by foxfeeder

    Mark Kenyon is definitely infamous hahahahaha. I really don't want to use epithets - there is no such liar even in politics. But when I compared him to Putin in terms of his level of lies over a year ago, he shut up hahaha. And I have a good opinion about Mark Batatis - you just have to always weigh your words with him.

    He was kicked off here. I missed it, but apparently I was one of those who upset him, and I got a tirade in response. By the time I checked in, it'd been deleted. Shame. I like a chuckle!

    Couple more videos, a session clip and a song with video:

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    We have two very famous guys named Mark among Genesis fans hahahaha. While we know what Mark Kenyon is like (I don't want to use epithets), Mark Batatis is fine. He's terribly principled, but I've never had any problems with him. You always have to weigh your words with him, God forbid you not use such hateful language as some people do on Facebook. If you are fair to him and the other fans, he is also fair to you. The very fact that he created a group where you can look for some unknown recordings proves that he is alright.

    Not sure "famous" is the right word. Infamous? :D

    Oddly enough, your post reminded me that I do know the name, he joined us here on the forum a while back, after he was banned from Facebook for a couple of months. As soon as he was back on there, he deserted here like a sinking ship. As memory serves, his time here demonstrated why he was banned, one of our less likeable members!

    As for joining FB groups about Genesis, I struggle to stay on here at times! :thumbdown:

    I found Trump's reaction to Biden's withdrawal reprehensible. He didn't even have the common decency to wish his opponent well and show some sympahty. Instead he did all the 'crooked Joe Biden' stuff and now his screaming minions have decided it was a deep state coup. These people are beneath contempt. As for Trump's claim that he took a bullet for democracy, he has done nothing but undermine democracy for four years. Once President again, he will destroy it.

    As for Vance, he is a useful sycophantic idiot.There have been rumours that now Harris is the nominee, perhaps the choice of Vance was a mistake and that (shock horror) a woman should have been chosen.

    Agreed. After Trump being shot, Biden was more than graceful about the incident. Now, Trump shows his usual true colours, which are black, as in pot/kettle!

    No you’re not alone. It’s not a bad song, in the sense that if, say, it came from Keane (who I know covered it) then you’d say it’s alright. It’s well assembled and catchy to a degree. But compared with the rich tapestry produced by Genesis it’s not great. Not for me (and sorry to those who think it’s excellent).

    I have Keane's first 2 albums, and they blow shapes and IT away, IMO. If they'd done this, it'd be the track I skip!

    It seems to me there should be a cut-off point for age to do 1st run for President, not just in the US, but definitely for there, on the basis that the system there allow 2 runs of 4 years and that's it, so logically, taking 67 at the cut-off point, it allows someone to be president until age 75. Given the responsibility of the job, that seems a sensible maximum. It's clear that Biden, nor Trump, are fit to be in the role at their ages.

    And I'm not being ageist! Lord knows, I'll only be eligible for another 1.33 years myself!

    You are not alone! ;)

    It was the last album I bought as a fan, apart from the opener and closer, it does nothing for me, not news, I've said it before. (I taped a copy of IT, which didn't encourage me to restart.

    Lyrically weak, and I'm not getting a country vibe at all, (but then I'm a Nanci Griffith fan, so that box is ticked already).

    I've given it 3, and I umm'd and Arghed over that, cos 2 was calling to me!

    Mark who? I would never trust "info" like this - besides, he needed support during the past few tours anyway. He has retired. Let him be a private man. That's all not our business. He won't do something again. That's over.

    Good question? I types that into google, and it came up with 4 alternatives, and a link to the instagram page of Mark BatItis! ^^

    But I can’t stomach a Labour Govt keeping the two child benefit rule-

    That is beyond the pale.

    How so? There are 8 billion people in the world, we need to be discouraging large families, don't forget, every one doesn't just add to the carbon footprint by what they do, just breathing is adding to it. Plus, no one is forcing people to have large families. And where do the benefits come from? Me. You. etc.

    My mum had to bring me (an only child!) up in the era of NO benefits for the first child. If she'd have had another, she would have qualified. Now THAT's beyond the pale.

    Ahmet Ertegun, what a genius! Told Phil to lose the subtlety on "in the air tonight" with all the unnecessary drums (a version you never hear any more!) and replace this with "that racket!"

    One of their better songs from the era, had it been on "Shapes", it would have been the 3rd best track for me, I'll give it 10.

    Some of us were never enchanted with the SNP in the first place, what with Salmond, "innocent until they failed to prove him guilty", who chose to work for Russia Today, (along with Galloway, a measure of them both), Sturgeon, whose involvement in the Salmond case was, at the very least, odd, has had her own chickens come home to roost, and the whole SNP fund issue is still to unfold, but a major political party with a campaign fund smaller than some peoples savings? Hmmmm!

    But my major issue with the SNP is simple, and long standing. I'm half-Scottish, my dad was a union supporter, (he was pro-Scottish, but never anti-English, if Scotland weren't in the World Cup, as was usually the case, he was behind England all the way, unlike some, who took the opposite approach, from either side of the border!) his sister was an independence advocate, and no issue came between them like this. One night they had an almighty row, which was awkward, as we were staying at her house! Luckily, my mum calmed it all down, but I was with my father. Scotland, and, to a lesser extent England, are far better off together than apart, fact the majority saw back at the referendum, and to throw 300+ years of history and togetherness away is, in my view, simply stupid.

    But back to the UK, all (well, mostly) good news, Labour win, but now with added fiscal responsibility, Truss loses her seat, George Galloway loses his seat, possibly doing a "Truss" by being an MP for the shortest term ever. (I don't know if that's true, but it must be close.) Also, the SNP get shown the door, hopefully they'll take the hint.

    Wow. If the phrase 'they could sing the phone book' was used about the late Chrissie Amphlett, they were totally, utterly devoted fans. She was a sort of sub Chrissie Hynde. She did not have a great voice.

    I will repeat what I said earlier, which is that just because someone has this facility to 'sing the phone book' that does NOT mean that every single thing they have ever sung is good. That is what I was trying to say before, and why it gets down to the quality of the songs, no matter how good the singer is. So no, I do not think a lame and bland effort like Can't Stop Loving You is good, just because it's Phil singing it.

    However, as you mentioned Mark Knopfler, well, for me, HE could sing the phone book, even though he is not traditionally regarded as a 'great singer' in the stereotypical sense. But my premise is the same. which is that I don't think every single song by Mark Knopfler is perfect just because he's singing it. Anyway...

    Bang on. Hynde wasn't a great singer, even before her voice fell apart. Also, the phrase "they could sing the phone book" is debunked by someone like Celine Dion. Quite possibly the finest pop voice ever, but eternally a hostage to the contributing songwriters, which means at least half, and often more, of her albums, are simply unlistenable. (The good songs, however........)

    Phil isn't in the "Celine" category as a singer, by any means, and he's far from a great songwriter too, IMO.

    Big win for labour.

    I see the Russian bot farms getting their way with "stories" of Biden's supposed senility making their way into mainstream news outlets. It doesn't auger well. The country (US) is fucked because of the supreme court anyway, but it could always get worse and I think it would if Trump gets in. That he is even close is a major symptom of the aforementioned fuckedness.

    Added to which is the "fact" (if it is, but the BBC reporting it, so likely) that some Democrat sponsors are threatening to withdraw funds if Biden doesn't step aside, so "democracy" in the US, once again, is second fiddle to money!