1. When did you buy Selling England By The Pound (or have received it as a gift)?
2. How old were you when Selling England was released?
3. Was Selling England your first Genesis album? If not, how many Genesis albums did you own before getting Selling??
It was my 3rd. ATTW3 and ATOTT were my first two Genesis albums.
4. If you had to rank all Genesis albums, where does Selling England stand?
5. Which track was your favourite when you bought the album?
Cinema Show
6. Which track is your favourite today?
Hard to choose. It would be a toss-up between Firth Of Fifth and Cinema Show
7. Which track do you think is the best track on the record despite your own taste?
Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
8. How many versions of the album have you bought / owned? (Vinyl, CD, Remaster, Cassette, SACD etc)
Initially bought it on cassette, was given the vinyl by a brother who didn't like the album, and then eventually bought the CD