Posts by SecondsOut

    Thanks, it helps a lot. Still looking at Chicago and my first show!

    I had a similar experience with Chicago. Started the queue with 2,000 plus, sat there for awhile, then gradually went down to 12 and sat there forever. I had to leave my laptop (f***) came back, and it said I was in. I clicked around: $650 apiece, $600 elsewhere. Then I had upper deck $150, and it crashed on me.

    So, I got shut out


    as now they are $900 and up. Don't the prices come down for awhile at public sale?

    And, $185 cheapest on Stubhub.

    Getting excited for my first Genesis show in Chicago this November. I'm a fan since 1975. I was wondering of any suggestions for more recent official live or bootleg concerts to get ahold of and where to find them. Thanks in advance.