Posts by Backdrifter

    The use of the title The Carpet Crawl has come up a few times, with seemingly no-one understanding exactly how and why that came about. I recently read that the reason it was listed on Seconds Out that way was to denote the different version lacking the "There is lambs wool..." intro. Shorter version of the song, hence shorter title. Does anyone know if that's true?

    Tonight, bit of an odd one: Russell Crowe's Indoor Garden Party Band at Inverness Eden Court. I gather he does his own fairly safe blues/country-tinged rock compositions with some covers thrown in. Mrs B and I thought it would be something of a novelty to see an oscar-winning actor performing at the local arts centre, indeed on this UK tour he's playing quite small venues including a social club in Leeds last night.

    I tentatively checked out some reviews which as it turns out are mainly quite positive. Hopefully it'll be an interesting one-off.

    Maybe funny to you. Apparently the truth hurts. I'm closing this thread.

    Not sure who you think is "hurt" and what "truth" you're referring to, but this -


    the level of lies is absolutely equal to Putin's. At least in the sense that his recordings allegedly have copyrights and that they are "not subject to" sale

    - is hysterical, trust me.

    Oh, and it's not your thread to "close".

    No, I mean the level of lies and rudeness. Not about murdering people - God forbid, I'm not comparing Mark Kenyon here. But the level of lies is absolutely equal to Putin's. At least in the sense that his recordings allegedly have copyrights and that they are "not subject to" sale.

    Thank you. This is one of the funniest things I've seen on this forum.

    I really don't want to use epithets - there is no such liar even in politics. But when I compared him to Putin in terms of his level of lies over a year ago, he shut up hahaha.

    Well that obviously told him... How did he compare with Putin - worse, about the same, not so bad? Has he made rival Genesis fans mysteriously vanish, or had them killed, or invaded their houses?!


    I have a good opinion about Mark Batatis - you just have to always weigh your words with him.

    Yeah sure, okay.

    he joined us here on the forum a while back, after he was banned from Facebook for a couple of months. As soon as he was back on there, he deserted here like a sinking ship. As memory serves, his time here demonstrated why he was banned, one of our less likeable members!

    Oh yes that in turn reminds me of all that. I didn't know he'd had a FB ban. I do remember him being a bit arsey on here.

    Mark Batatis is the administrator of 2 Facebook profiles dedicated to Genesis - you can find links to them below. He has been a collector for several decades. It's strange that you don't know who it is.

    No it's not strange. No one on here is expected to know who Genesis collectors and site administrators are, and - SHOCK HORROR! - not all of us are on Facebook. Some of us detest it and aren't interested in joining it or visiting any groups on it.

    Is it just me, or does Vance seem even more batshit crazy than Trump?

    Who even knew such a thing was possible?

    I think he's certainly channeling trump. He's gone from criticising him to being essentially his ventriloquist dummy which perhaps has some amplifying effect.

    Some of the GOP reps are at least as unhinged as trump - Boebert, MTG, that guy who said if trump loses "we will NEED civil war" - how's that for "toning down the rhetoric"?!

    This was also played live in 1990, since That's all was part of the mini setlist for the Nordoff-Robbins music therapy Knebworth festival that summer.

    Also in the set were Mama, Throwing it all away and Turn it on again with medley.

    Was that following a short set by PC, played in a high wind? I think I listened to it live on the radio, if I remember he started with ITAT followed by Colours without the intro. I'm sure I taped it onto a cassette that I somehow lost along with a load of others I miss badly.

    Well in 2019 he did describe himself as a 'transitional' candidate so in that sense he's making good on that, but only after being pressured to do so. It's rattled the magas who aren't happy about it as everything they've planned for their campaign rests on battling Biden. Trump is now the oldest ever candidate, and the irony is that he himself is of course pretty senile when that was the basis of their attacks on Biden. Will his nicked ear be enough to still propel him to victory?

    Harris hasn't enjoyed great ratings but is now operating in a different context which could be helpful. As I understand it Millennials and Gen Zs are the biggest US labour demographic and Harris is seen as very much on their side. At 59 she's not in that age group but has the potential to appeal as a younger more dynamic figure compared to saggy baggy ranting stupid-haired Trump. I'm not condoning judging by appearances, simply acknowledging the part it plays in elections, whether or not it should.

    Yes her running-mate choice will be key, Buttigieg is surely going to be a contender and I've heard Beshear mentioned but know little about him. Her plus either as a ticket could be enough to fire up a "youth" vote. But obviously there's a month until DNC. Support for KH seems to be building but anything can happen in the next few weeks, at the extreme the DNC could be chaotic unless they see their best bet is to make it clean and simple by getting behind her.

    I agree with the various positives already stated. It's a perfect demonstration of how they took into a new decade their already established knack of skilfully mixing longer complex songs with shorter simpler ones. Banks was always a riff-master and his lovely clean piano line on this forms the solid basis of a catchy song. On the topic of doing shorter more commercial songs Rutherford said they were harder to write than the more extended proggier workouts. Its conciseness deceptively hides that there is a lot of the Genesis DNA there. I get why some fans are dismissive of it, but I think it's a shame. I don't agree with the descriptions of it as being cheerful (it's quite a tetchy song), funky or having a country feel. (The latter unfortunately reminds me of PC's cringingly unfunny introduction to it on the Mama tour dvd).

    For me the sequencing of Genesis side 1 is up there with the side 1s of SEBTP and Abacab. This track is very well-placed and provides a really nice dry contrast between the murky atmospheric drama of Mama and the urgent tension of Home.

    sorry to those who think it’s excellent

    I like it a lot but you should never apologise for your tastes and preferences! If you don't like it that's fair enough and if anyone objects to that, tough shit.

    I think in the case of Inside and Out, there is a wistful melancholy that goes with the idea of being locked up and then a bit of a maelstrom at the end that might reflect the trauma of the story

    On the back of the original vinyl EP the lyrics were headed 'INSIDE' and have 'OUT' after the end so I always took that as the instrumental representing the lead character's mass of confusing emotions on being released back into the world.

    As to the overall topic the only one that occurs is possibly Supernatural Anaesthetist as it has a kind of jaunty feel while being about someone thinking they're about to die.