Christian Administrator

  • from Dresden
  • Member since Apr 6th 2018
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  • Hi,

    I've just joined in order to make a couple of comments in the thread on the Anthony Phillips Recording Compendium but I don't want to spam the Forum with too many posts.

    I have worked through the Compendium and I have found many releases that I knew nothing about, but I have also spotted typos (actual or probable spelling mistakes), a few release dates that need to be double-checked and a few omissions: three CDs on the Best 4 label.

    I could send you corrections and queries individually, but would it be simpler if I were to send you my Word documents?

  • Utterly brilliant beginning to this project. I tell you: when this is all said and done so many will see this latest work as his best ever. An innovator chameleon who simply finds ways of working words and music to make magic.

    Does anyone know if there are a set number of tracks for the album or are we looking at a rollout that could stretch on to something along the lines of The Lamb? A double album concept? Has he said anything about numbers of tracks? Has he said the whole album is even finished or is he in creative stages / mixing stages for other tracks....?

  • Christian - Was there an opening band for the Genesis concerts in Wash DC, I am going Sunday at Madison Sq Garden NY! Thx

  • I have only just now found out about the new crodfunding release. Is it still possible to order a signed CD?

    • Hi Joe

      Just saw your message. Any oder that will be placed on Ray's website will be signed.

  • Hey, Christian..question, are we permitted to post concert footage from the band if it is relevant? Assuming we give credit to where it was originally found?

  • I can't find a forum page titled Frequently Answered Questions. I could not find any Forum Basics page, either. I have a question. When I go to someone's profile page, what is the difference between the following two things?

    1. just typing in the box listed under Wall; the box says Write a comment

    2. clicking on the User icon (on the right) and clicking on Create Conversation in the little drop down menu

    I'm a dumb dumb when it comes to computer/Internet stuff so please be step-by-step with your answer.

    dagobah (Chris)

    • conversations are private, so they can only be seen by the users involved. Comments on the wall are public. Usually, conversations are better when you want to raise someone’s attention

    • Thank you for the explanation. I sincerely appreciate it.

  • UPDATE (replacing my previous posting which is now deleted)

    Further research reveals that out of a total of 4014 forum postings, 9 members are responsible for 73% of all forum activity. or to put it another way, 4% of the forum membership produce 73% of the forum’s activity. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not arguing to stifle or limit their often wonderfully insightful contributions, I am simply concerned to try and engage the wider membership otherwise we risk morphing into a WhatsApp chat group of half a dozen people.

    As a result of this research, I think it would encourage greater participation from ALL forum members to add extra labels to further subdivide the members according to their levels of contributions. I also think that using labels sourced solely from Genesis’ back catalogue rather than from the solo careers would be more widely accepted and understood as this is the umbilical cord that feeds the whole site. (I, for one, know nothing of Gabriel’s solo career and was initially alarmed to discover that I’d been labelled an ‘Intruder’ and thought I’d accidentally hacked into a section of the site reserved for administrators. Yes: really!! 😂) Anyway, enough of that....

    There are currently 221 forum members of which the vast majority are either ‘Intruders’ whilst some are simply unlabelled. If we look in detail at the membership data the following is revealed:

    Out of 221 members, currently, 135 members have made no postings and awarded no ‘likes’ whatsoever. Are they simply passive participants or are they dormant? Under a revised listing system, these could be considered a: DODO (as in the Genesis song but also in recognition of their inactive state as reflected in the English expression ‘dead as a dodo’ )

    Once they become active, either through ‘liking’ another post or submitting 1-5 posts then they’ve started to move and like a small baby they could be classified as a: CARPET CRAWLER: (currently 40 members would qualify for this)

    6-39 posts could be considered to be fully engaged in keeping the site functioning as a: LAWNMOWER (currently 28 members would qualify)

    40-99 posts. These now have made enough postings to have risen in the ranks and taken on the mythical status of a: SQUONK (currently only 9 members would qualify)

    100-249 posts. These are the mighty beasts that have now morphed into a GIANT HOGWEED (currently only 4 would qualify)

    250 - 499 posts. These members deserve royal recognition for services rendered. These should be made into a: DUKE or DUCHESS (currently only 2 would qualify)

    500+ posts. These are the very guardians of mankind. A true: WATCHER OF THE SKIES (currently only 3 would qualify)

    I realise there are other criteria employed such as the number of ‘likes’ received etc which would need to be factored into the change and the boundaries where members move from one to the other may need to change. However, at present it could currently be considered a bit de-motivating to make lots of contributons yet still be labelled the same as someone who has done nothing and whose account may even be dormant.

    Hope this is a proposal you’ll consider implementing soon

  • I’ve updated my post below and deleted this additional one as it is now unnecessary

  • Post updated (see above)

    • Hey

      I wanted to start a conversation about the user ranks anyway. The ones we have now are only provisional.

      People without a user rank simply haven't approved their account yet

  • Hi Christian,

    Can I change my username? I’m really getting into this forum and would like to use something more related to the band

  • Help!

    How do I delete erroneous postings from (hijacking) my thread?

    Also how do I reply to a specific comment in the thread? I’ve tried clicking ‘quote’ but that simply re-posts what they’ve written and by the time I’ve written my response someone else may have posted in the interim thereby making it unclear who or what I’m responding to

    • replying to a specific comment:

      you have to quote from the posting you are replying to, not the last one. You may delete the text within the quote you don't need

      you cannot delete postings by other users, you may just report them if they do not match with our rules.

  • Eine schoenen guten Tag Christian, besser gesagt Nachmittag fuer Dich. Kurze Frage: bestehet die techische Moeglichkeit gewisse Mitglieder zu blockieren, wenn ich z.B kein Interesse daran habe ihre Posts zu lesen bzw, dass sie meine lesen? Danke im Voraus.

    • Hallo Fabrizio. Das sollte möglich sein, ich schau mal nach, wo diese Funktion versteckt ist

    • Wenn es Dir keine allzu grosse Umstaende macht bitte.

    • Wenn du das Nutzerprofil aufrufst und rechts neben der Lupe auf das Nutzericon klickst, müsste da sowas stehen wie "block user"

    • Leider nicht Christian, da steht: Follow, Create conversation und Report Profile was anders ist. Im Ernst aber, glaube ich nicht, dass es sich lohnt mehr Zeit darueber zu verschwenden. Ich wollte nur ainen Ausweg haben kuenftige Probleme zu vermeiden. Bitte entschuldige und Danke trotzdem.

    • ist doch kein Problem. Ich schau mir das noch mal an, im deutschen Forum haben wir ja dieses option

  • Hey Christian, just following up on the question I asked on Krissy's wall about PM's that you replied to. I don't see that message button in the top right on my IPad. Could it just not be showing up on my mobile device?

    The only thing showing up on the top right is my ER in a green circle. Is it possible for you to post a screen shot of what the message symbol looks like and where exactly it is?


    • hi Eric,

      The pm (chat) symbol is in between the bell and the magnifying glass.



    • Ahhh thanks SD. That explains it. Neither is showing up on my IPad.

      I thought maybe I was just over looking something obvious but glad to know I haven't lost it yet. Lol.

    • it is also available on mobile devices, just click on your icon at the top right. Then conversational

      Like 1
    • Ok, that'll work.

      I just wasn't seeing any icon or symbol for it on any page but I can bring up the conversations when clicking on my icon. 👍🏻

      Thanks again.

  • Where is my Tech Talk thread... talking about headphones.. Was there for 5 hrs this morning and disappeared ?

    If you find it, can you move that thread to Forum of Last Resort please!... ;)

    • Just found Teck Talk on the Abacafe | GENESIS Fans Lounge thread.... Can you move this to Forum of Last Resort

  • Hi Christian, wonder if you can set up another title thread called Progressive News or Progressive Bands In the Non Genesis music section... Maybe add another titled other related non prog bands or something similar. The Prog News and other prog bands was often used on the other site!... :)

    • sure will get to it as soon as possible!

    • Thank you for adding a new Progressive title on this forum. Still getting used to it here!!...

      Just curious, who are the moderators on this Forum ?

    • So far, there is only Krissy and me. We will add moderators once the forums grows bigger

    • Thanks.. This forum is getting easier after the first week!.... :)

    • I was going to post an issue with PM's and privacy... Discovered last week that the Conversation icon at the top right is the one to use for privacy talks. Not the wall !.... ;)

      One feature I like you can add other people into the Conversation or PM you want :)