Posts by Mr.Farmer

    Duchess, Guide Vocal and MOOT are mine. They go so well together , always liked them. I did however struggle with this album for a while.

    A friend of mine bought it before I did and he told me that it was good but it wasn't Genesis . Well it was certainly something new. I think the fact that is was so different made it less accessible , but it's an album that grew on me more and more over the years . I thought PDA and AAT seemed out of place on a Genesis album but they seem to fit when got used to it. It's so well balanced from beginning to end. The big intro, followed by a wonderful trio of songs , TIOA is one their best , a great way to start side 2 and fantastic ending with Guide Vocal coming back. Having said that I have never been keen on Misunderstanding and have never quite got into Cul De Sac, though don't know why.

    I remember going to the record shop (Stylus 4 in Cheltenham) the day it was released and taking it home wondering what the new sound would be . I was thrilled to bits listening to it . It's a great album. No real weak spots as far I m concerned. It has a great feel to it throughout.

    Despite the fact that it's around 50 minutes my only complaint was that it was too short. I would have loved there to have been more. Undertow and SIAJ are the standouts for me however I would have loved those tracks in particular to have been extended . I imagine how they could've taken off even more with a few extra minutes each . Maybe that because Mike didn't have the confidence or that they deliberately wanted to keep everything short. I suppose the old show biz adage about keep them wanting more is true. My other choice was the beautiful MTM. Burning Rope is also one of favourites.

    Quality trumps quantity every time. I understand how Hackett and his fans might have felt short-changed but let's face it, at the point when Genesis weren't sure if they would be able to carry on having lost their singer, frontman and major writer (along with Tony) Steve saved himself and made a solo record. From that point on, it was clear where his priorities lay so let's not raise the guy up above the others as though he's the saviour of the band's so-called progressive era. He's just milking his time in the band to the point of embarrassment.

    No ,not raising him up above the others I just thought that the point of the programme was about a combination of group and solo stuff , the TV edit was called Together And Alone. I think one of the great things about this band is their collective individual success both artistically and commercially. The SH career both original and revisited stuff is just an aspect , (didn't mean anyone to think I was putting him ahead of anyone ) which I thought in the context of the documentary it should've got at least a mention. I think it's great that places such as The Symphony Hall etc get sold out to people loving the early mid Genesis era. It's nice seeing it whether it's Steve or a tribute and nothing wrong being proud of it. I would be. Phil Mike Peter and Steve all still sell out huge places . That's amazing .

    Also there was a fair bit on TBs solo stuff which was good but SH has had a much bigger output and has outsold TB considerably

    If the documentary was mainly focused on the 3 that would be fine ,, they are after all the main line up and backbone of it all. But they got all five of them then all but ignored Steve . If they hadn't bothered with him it wouldn't have mattered so much but to focus on whole era band film then ignore one of them seemed very awkward and a bit rude.