Posts by Wayne

    That is interesting. My question is how big a reach does Acoustic Sounds have? What does selling out mean in terms of numbers? Dozens? Thousands?

    We live in an era where owning physical music is not really a thing, except for maybe vinyl and for us crotchety old dinosaurs. Most people stream and aren't looking to own CDs and blu-rays. While there is an audiophile market, is it enough to motivate Genesis management to work on more releases?

    Although I haven’t got any figures, from what I have read and seen the number probably would be in the 1,000s by now for both the Lamb and Selling England, the later I would expect being cheaper has sold considerably more than the Lamb. Both titles were numbered up to a certain amount my lamb which I have had for 6 weeks was 1,300 approx, were as selling England didn’t have a number so all those must have sold out before I got mine. Chad the owner of AS says the Genesis have sold very well and they can’t keep up with demand, and they have lots of customers waiting for a re press of both!. Getting back to the three boxes, I think as the work has already been done, repackage those three boxes into one and take my money, seems ridiculous that all that work was done only to release on the one occasion?. It can all be transferred to blu ray and also save a lot of packaging to boot. Folks are also getting excited about foxtrot and Nursery Crime but the demand has been that popular that these titles have been pushed back. Talking of Selling England going to the Musical Box show tomorrow night, Have seen it in the past of course.

    It’s interesting as currently Genesis is are the number one selling item on acoustic sounds , both of the recent re issues have both sold out. Plus there is an incredible demand now for high resolution re issues. You also have to consider why Genesis are selling out on Acoustic Sounds?. I myself think there is demand they have got a lot of new fans since 2007. I think it would be worth a shot?. Plus as you say the work has already been done.

    Apologies I was basically referring to the high resolution files on the SACDs, not the basic 16/44 or 24/44 that are recently announced. Thanks though.

    The SACDs sound great to me in stereo at that 88 bit rate, on Blu-ray Discs of 50gb I imagine they could probably fit 5 albums per disc?, and do the full discography over 4 discs. It would fit just right on the ear book format 4 discs on a page. It would be great having everything in one package - job done, no need for 4 boxes for the three studio sets and one live set, they could do it all in one set on bluray. Probably making a lot of money In the process, plus make a load of fans very happy.

    I really don’t understand why whoever does these re issue campaigns doesn’t look into reissuing all of the back catalogue of the 2007 stereo reissues or, even better transferring those three boxes to blu ray and releasing it all on one nice package. They could fit everything I would think on 3 - 5 Blu-ray Discs maybe less than what was on the green/red and blue sets. they could make it even better by including the large Genesis book in a square shape to match the usual super deluxe box sets and I’d be a happy camper! - they could gladly take £150 - £175

    Of my money now!. Will it happen no chance!!. Something like a Pineapple Thief Earbook style would be something to appreciate. But I doubt anything like this will happen not within the next 5 years!. Why they don’t I find puzzling for such an iconic band it’s such a shame.

    I wouldn't go as far as to say I was being irritable, as I was simply reacting naturally to your response-which it can't be denied was somewhat curt. However; in the spirit of not making a bigger deal out of this for a single moment longer...moving on.

    Much thanks indeed to Wayne for those thought out notes on the sound!

    Thanks for that Billy, I wish I was a bit more eloquent but unlike Mike Fremer and others I don’t get paid for my very amateur impressions of records - probably for good reason but you get my feelings that these records are the real deal !!.

    I really am looking forward to Nursery Cryme now there’s a record that has always sounded great to me - if it sounds anything like these albums we are in for a mind blowing 40 mins of joy “ Harold The Barrel” included !.

    I'm excited to give it a go, but extremely skeptical that my ears will hear any of what was just described above. Partly I'm sure because the equipment I have is starter level (and I'm unlikely to upgrade) but perhaps moreso I'm just not sure my ears work that way. Maybe a result of too many loud concerts (persistent tinnitus in my left ear since Smashing Pumpkins - thanks Billy). I won't care as long as it sounds good to me, and glad to read such glowing things about it overall.

    I’m 59 years of age and due to years of concert attendance standing far to close to speaker cabinets and years of sat on trains etc listening to Walkmans at high levels as a teenager I also have bad tinnitus in both ears which I can hear all the time. I would think I have a significant amount of hearing damage as a consequence of this. So my hearing isn’t as good as some of these audio reviewers like Michael Fremer or 45 audiophile for example, But the difference is that strong it’s impossible for even me with my poor hearing not to notice a significant sonic improvement across the board. Admittedly the equipment a person has makes all the difference but but I think you would hear a substantial improvement even with a good entry level turntable like a Rega Planar 3 and amps of similar quality to that. I do think most people will notice the difference in these without to much trouble - you certainly notice the difference in manufacturing as the covers are really top notch. Even if I was just a fan without the hifi I’d be buying them without hesitation and trust me £250 for two albums is a lot for me to find.

    I really think that missing Trespass is a mistake - Abacab isn’t a patch on it for me and never was one of my favourite Collins era albums. Trespass

    Has always sounded great , I have the original pink label charisma of that and I can only Drool about what they would of sounded like in this format.

    Now I’ve had time to think the chap who gives this a negative review, although entitled To his opinion ( saw his review on YouTube ) who said there Is something not quite right with it I feel in all honesty isn’t listening to the same album I’ve just played 1/2 off - to me I agree the guitar break into BMO74 isn’t as substantial, he’s right there. But everything else I have just listened to is so far in advance of what we have heard, and loved for so many years it’s hard to believe : this copy is night and day better than anything that came before it. I have the original UK and German pressings and this is like lifting veils off the recording - Recommended. I think Chris Bellman did this one and he’s done a mighty fine job.

    Side 4

    Carpet Crawlers Gabriel’s voice has so much depth that’s the first thing i immediately noticed , it sounds three dimensional. the chorus vocal layering and Phil’s backing really are touching. Drums have incredible depth and the bass is sympathetic not to in front. I must say Phil’s vocal on this one is so up there is really is a tremendous this and has to be heard!.

    That is the best I’ve ever heard CC I doubt anyone will ever hear anything better than this in our lifetime, well mine I don’t think it will be bettered.

    The CO24D has a lot of depth, A lot of atmosphere and emotion. Bass is very clear and defined , lots of space giving the musicians time to breath.

    It’s wonderfully clear no veils on anything at all, the echo on Gabriel’s voice is also a standout.

    I’ll end my review at side 4 And I’m sure sides 5 thru to 8 will be equally satisfying.

    This album Is an absolute no brainer for fans such as us and is essential it’s the best I’ve ever heard and a 10/10.

    To say I’m using my spare pre amp that’s saying something

    Equipment used to listen

    Technics 1210 Turntable with off board power supply / Benz Micro S MC Cart / Rega Tonearm

    Audiolab 8000c Pre Amp

    Sennheiser Hd 800s Headphones.

    Side 3

    Back in New York City - amazing sound on this one hearing so much more, the drumming at the beginning boy does that sound great, I’m hearing guitar playing in the right channel I haven’t encountered before , Banks keyboard playing around the “ Full of Shit” section is really superb and loads is happening. It’s amazing how much stuff is going on the church organ type sound later on is great also.

    If you’re on the fence I would advise buying this if you have good quality equipment. I know it’s expensive but it’s worth it , my partner said you havent stopped smiling for 30 Mins.

    Hairless Heart is measured and everything is well controlled.

    Counting Out Time once again is a joy the background vocals are really prominent, Gabriel’s voice and all the guitar parts shine.

    Another 10/10 for side 3

    Side 2

    In the cage - once again the bass is so easy to follow - clear as a bell , drums and hitting of Tom toms is brilliant , all background guitar work is evident. A lot of this stuff I’ve never heard on my copies before. Steve’s guitar work really shines, you get a solid sense that he plays a lot on these tracks more than I noticed in the past.

    The keyboards into the first solo are wonderful , the bass following the keyboard solo can be picked out clearly.

    This is definitely the best I’ve ever heard this album and I’ve played it 100s of times in the past. What I’m finding is that there’s a tremendous sense of air and space between the instruments, there is so much going on but it’s so easy to follow anything and everything . Acoustic sounds have done stellar

    Work on this one.

    Grand parade closes Side 2 and it’s also a sonic revelation, I didn’t realise that so many different instruments were used. Hacketts guitar work although deep in the mix can be followed easily. The bass once again is so easy to pick out every single note.

    That’s it’s for the first album All I can say is spectacular!! Worth every penny .

    Cuckoo Cocoon , ends side 1 once again controlled , backing voices are very clear and you can hear the guitar playing in the background really well. In this track Banks Piano playing is as clear as a bell. Yoy can hear every note.

    So side one done

    TLLDOB 10/10 best I’ve ever heard that track period

    FOAW 9/10 the attack of the guitar into Broadway Melody wasn’t as pronounced as Im used to

    BM 10/10 best I’ve heard it as was the side closer

    CC 10/10

    Onto side 2

    Fly on a windshield into Broadway Melody seems a little more laid back then I’m used to more polite - the guitar we all know that comes in isn’t as forceful. Drums are very clear and Phil’s cymbal work and Tom Toms are so easy to follow. It sound very controlled to me, the sound isn’t as amazing as track 1 but it’s all there. Gabriel’s voice once again is so there so real lovely. I’m listening to it with £1200 headphones into a £200 pre amp so it will sound better once I’ve got a better pre amp into the mix.

    Once I get around to hearing mine I’ll for sure give an honest opinion, I could listen to them via my Sennheiser 800s headphones and that may give an accurate idea as to the sound. I’m waiting on an ATC pre amp with phono stage But that’s two weeks away. Although I’m getting itchy feet to have a listen. I’ll get my other pre amp out and have a listen to the lamb side 1 and report back in an hour !!.

    Just listening to it now on Track 1 side 1, well all o can say is wow - the bass ( rickenbacker by the sounds of it is so clear ), Gabriel’s Voice is the best I’ve heard it on this album, cymbals and Steve’s Guitar work are really easy to follow I’m loving hearing all this stuff I’ve never heard before. Gabriel’s voice sounds so good it’s unbelievable!!.

    It would be great to have them all like this but I’m guessing with it being 75 albums total that something had to give , and Mr Kassem probably chose the ones that were classics. I also know that anything digitally recorded isn’t given these special treatments. I think he’s picked the ones that I personally would of gone for the only regret for me is not choosing Trespass Instead of Genesis self titled.

    I must admit if they sound as good as they look I am in for a treat the covers are amazing , the lamb is made out of two gatefolds with an external card board piece with the story on gatefold one and the lyrics on the other ms very well done. I have just got some Active speakers and am saving the listening experience for these albums as my first listen. I’m so happy to have these and although expensive the lamb deserves this treatment as we all no doubt agree.

    I live in the United Kingdom, prices of these in the UK work out a little more than buying direct from

    Acoustic Sounds , postage is quicker also as most places over here have these on back order so you are waiting for quite a time. Price of these currently in the UK is 165 and 85 and 10 postage so £260. I have paid £171 to have them shipped from America and duty won’t cost me £90 so fractionally cheaper.

    I’ve ordered The first two of these and am waiting for them to arrive from the States ,reviews of them have been very favourable by most of those who have listened to them. Only one chap seems to dislike the new remaster of The Lamb once mine arrive next week I’ll give you my impressions.