Posts by Ashley

    Oh, that is quite difficult!

    I have chosen "Papa Was A Rolling Stone", "Uptight", "In My Lonely Room", "Never Dreamed ..." and "Dancing In The Street". But at least 6 or 7 further tracks are close behind or equal.

    I do not listen to this album a lot. But when I do, I always hear the tracks randomly - because they are equally well done!

    Well, Toronto 2007 already was the second tour leg, so they all have been in good shape and I wouldn't compare this to the rehearsals in late 2006.

    Come Rain Or Shine was great, but some recordings from the 2006 NYC rehearsals would be awesome! I think they also did One for the vine?

    None at all, it's 100% unofficial but got used widely on bootleg t-shirts, badges and patches in the 70s that were mainly sold through ads in the music weeklies. There was another one that used Salvador Dali's Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man around the same time. Again no connection at all to the band or their music but with the man emerging from the egg at least there was a very tenuous connection with the concept of Genesis I guess. The hair one I could never work out, maybe someone just liked the image.

    Thanks. I was wondering what this is and where it canoes from a while ago!

    Reviving this as I've just come across this logo on a t-shirt in the current items on the official shop site. It's listed as "nuevo girl" - apart from Spanish for 'new' a quick check tells me Nuevo is also the name of towns in California and Puerto Rico. Why are they calling it that?

    Given the above explanation of this logo's provenance from serpent (which I think rings true) it's interesting that an unofficial bootleg image from the 70s has now made its way on to official merchandise 50 years later.

    By the way - 25% off store-wide as I write this! I keep checking the store mainly in the distant hope of seeing the 'London venues history' t-shirt from TLD tour re-appear. It still riles me that they had it on display at the London O2 gigs, but seemingly only to taunt those of us who didn't manage to get one before it sold out. Which obviously happened at the first gig as it was unavailable at the 2nd and 3rd.

    What? Well, THAT is strange, or at least interesting!

    11 from me. One of the weaker tracks on "side 4" ("It" being worst), the weakest side, but still it's a necessary moment to take the story to its conclusion, which is why I've given it 11, rather than maybe 9 or 10.

    And I have no issue with the story, like some, I just take it at face value, as a document of a dream-like situation. if Peter meant it to be allegorical, good luck to him, but the general consensus seems to be it fails, since no-one does know "what it means".

    It could have benefited from "a focal point" like a guitar or keyboard solo, whereas it does just become a narrative, pure and simple.

    Can agree to most of this. Apart from "it", which I think is a really strong track. Best version is probably the rerecorded live version for the first Archive set....

    Anyway, as for "The Light Dies Down..." I also voted 11 points.


    While most of us are enjoying the summer (hopefully), I was wondering - do you think there is a Genesis "summer" song, capturing the mood of the season?

    There might be plenty for autumn or winter, but summer seems to be a bit rare...

    For me, "Jesus he knows me" is one of those, also because it was released in the summer as a single.

    Then "Pigeons" perhaps or "Just a job to do"?

    What do you think?

    You nailed it ... I try to avoid social media, especially Facebook. I am also more of a silent member in forums (although I try to be part of discussions here sometimes), but I appreciate the work of fansites and I even have a DUSK subscription, although my Italian is far from good.

    I also have a DUSK subscription. I love Mario‘s work!

    About Phil: I agree he is a private person now and we have to respect that. But nevertheless I am really curious whether or not he is well and enjoys life…

    If the Lunatics In The Big Room is a bonus track on top of 2-4 other releases in a lunar cycle, then I'm fine with that slowly being built out. A nice side dish, if you will. But if it's the main course, it'll always be disappointing. As others have said, I have quite a few live shows from the era. This one has been strong, but if they were going to drip-release a concert, I'd rather it be from a tour/era that isn't already so well covered. (A monthly song release from a professionally mixed 1980 "Tour of China 1984" show? Then you would have my attention.)

    Don't think I commented in here, but very happy that the Make Tomorrow release was a new version and not just Make Tomorrow Today -- the latter version is fine but I do think the track benefits from the extra couple minutes to breathe a bit. And Peter's vocals on it are stellar.


    we probably should not expect three "crackers" each lunar cycle. It's more like one "cracker" and two "nice to have" songs.

    erm ... I thought he'd play more Lamb stuff actually. And more from his new album.