An unlikely fan and ticket touts.

  • Having mentioned touts in a different thread I was reminded of meeting an unlikely fan. I think it was at Abacab though could've been Encore. I had a chat with a middle aged man wearing a suit. He told me that he dropped his son off at a previous tour and had no clue as to who or what Genesis were. He told me he decided to hang around until the the end the show to pick him up again. Apparently after the show started he was offered a ticket by a tout He said he told the tout he wasn't interested and then was offered it at either next to nothing or nothing. He told me that he had nothing better do to so went in. He was enthralled by all accounts. ( Why wouldn't you be?) When I met him he said he definitely made sure I he would see the show for the current tour and was a confirmed fan. I thought that was great. From then on I frequently took his advice for feigning disinterest and would often get a touted ticket . Including Genesis IT tour at Wembley. Never paid overprice Haven't done it for ages. Don't do it often now.