80SOGRAPHY Podcast

  • Hi,

    You might be interested in 80sography, an 80s music interviews podcast. Lots of great Genesis/Phil Collins content;

    Invisible Touch Audio Commentary (with Hugh Padgham)

    Face Value Audio Commentary (with Hugh Padgham)

    Hugh Padgham 4-part My 80sography (where he discusses his 80s career year-by-year)

    Jim Yukich 2-part My 80sography (including 6 x audio commentaries for Collins/Genesis songs)

    Dave Bascombe 2-part My 80sography (in pt 1 he discusses Duke and Banks/Rutherford solo LPs)

    Available on Spotify and iTunes and wherever pods are found.

    Also here;



  • Really enjoying these podcasts. Love the Hugh Padgham ones although quite funny to hear him make so many mistakes about Genesis and Phil's history. In one episode he says Phil started singing in the 1980s! I guess his interest in Genesis relates to his own work. Anyway they are a great listen