Posts by Backdrifter

    Just finished episode 4 and still don't know if I like it or not (I still find it a little confusing)

    Re The Little Drummer Girl - I'm yet to watch ep4 and have been on the verge of just giving up, but a friend urged me to stick with it as he found it got better as it went on. So I'll carry on for now and blame him if I still don't like it.

    So isn't a favourite PG album of mine. 3 & 4 had really set the tone for me and created what's still in many ways a high-water mark of creativity in my view. I recognised So as a necessary change of direction, even including (shock horror!) an actual TITLE. And of course, a game-changer for him commercially, and an opening for new fans who clicked with the warm pulse of Sledgehammer but who might, just possibly, find the glacial spiky Family & the Fishing Net too much of a challenge.

    'So', I get the significance of So. But apart from Red Rain and Milgrams, it leaves me cold. As such, Mercy Street is one that passes me by. I've never been able to get interested in it, even though I can see how others find it atmospheric and melodic. Its soft tinkly shuffly rhythm track annoys me. There's a wispyness to the song I just can't connect with. At PG gigs, I'd get impatient when they played it.

    Overall I'm a big fan of PG's solo work but, along with a few others including 2 or 3 on So, Mercy St comes close to what I'd classify as 'boring'.

    (He wasn't my favorite president, but no one can doubt that he was a substantial and historically important person.)

    R.I.P., George H.W. Bush

    Agreed. My political views lean away from Republicanism, plus he ended his term at a time the US felt the need to go down a different road after 12 red years. But he always seemed a very decent man.

    We finished our re-watching of State of Play on dvd. All these years later, it's still so compelling. I never get tired of it.

    Also on dvd, The Trip To Spain which I enjoyed very much.

    I'm now up to episode 3 of Le Carre adaptation The Little Drummer Girl on the iPlayer.

    And making my way through Gotham season 3 on dvd before diving into season 4 which I have recorded.

    Small technicality - only a simple majority is required for articles of impeachment to advance out of the House of Representatives; however, as you correctly said, it requires a 2/3 supermajority in the Senate for conviction and removal of a president (or vice president) from office.

    I was very sad when Brexit passed. I was still living in the UK when all that nonsense was being discussed. I wish PM Cameron had lowered the voting age to 16 for this vote, the same way the vote for Scottish Independence was lowered just for that issue - votes like this impact the young the most; they ought to have had their say. There's no way the vote would have passed had they been part of the electorate. UKIP, from their rhetoric, always struck me as a watered-down version of the BNP; Nigel Farage just seemed like a phony used-car salesman with a cheesy cheshire-cat smile. (I also don't know how someone who supposedly hates Europe so much is a MEP - that always struck me as oddly hypocritical.) All my friends in the UK were and still are devastated that the Brexit vote passed.

    The final vote happens in Parliament this week, doesn't it?

    Thanks for the correction about the impeachment process.

    Your potted analysis of the brexit situation, and UKIP/Farage, is so concise and spot-on I have little to add (I believe the parliamentary vote is 11 December). And yes, he has happily drawn down a healthy salary as an MEP, while doing very little work and barely showing up for any business. Point this out to his acolytes and they actually, genuinely, defend him by saying that he's simply showing how corrupt and ineffective the system is. Really, I'm not kidding you. As with Trump and his disciples, I sometimes think Farage could publicly kill or maim someone in the street, and his supporters would find some way of morally contorting themselves into justifying and defending his actions.

    We really have drifted into a rank situation where blustering, bullish, unsophisticated authority figures who spout divisive bile, seem to lack basic humanity and thrive on hatred of otherness, are gaining massive popularity and support. I never thought we would see such a large-scale return to this in my lifetime. As I said earlier, I am generally an optimistic person but have now reached the point of genuinely fearing that half the world is sleepwalking into fascist dictatorship.

    Let's not forget that Trump counts among his friends the murderous King of Saudi Arabia and Russia's self-imposed President Vladimir Putin. Donald Trump wants to be America's dictator. He cares not one bit about our country, it's laws or its citizens. It's a scary reality, so hold on because we're in for a bumpy ride. It will get worse before it gets better. I want to be the optimist here, but after all that's happened these past two years, it's difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

    I too am an optimist, but largely share your forebodings for all the reasons you gave. And it'll be highly unlikely the two-thirds majority in both houses required for impeachment proceedings will be achieved.

    While I'm not a US resident, I still feel very gloomy about what's happening there in context of my own country's descent into lunacy - this is a time when the last thing we should be doing is breaking ourselves away from the relative safety of a large bloc of friends. The brexiters with their demented deluded isolationist rantings are dragging us into a future in which we are a tiny island nation, a minnow waiting to be swallowed by huge sharks like the US, China and Russia. I really fear for our younger generations - how we have failed them.... Sorry to be so down!

    Dave's Killer Multigrain Bread, toasted and buttered, with Marionberry Jam. Oikos blended Greek Yogurt, Banana Cream flavored. Iced Coffee.

    Yours are definitely some of the more notable and descriptive breakfasts in this thread. In this one, I love the brand-name details.

    By the way, Marion Berry.... sigh. I still think about her from time to time.

    me today: honey nut cornflakes, brown toast with marmalade, tea.

    No snow yet here in the Scottish Highlands but we're down to minus Celsius figures. Excellent! Also good is a few recent mists and fogs, with more expected tomorrow. Got to love autumn and winter. None of that namby-pamby spring/summer nonsense. I like throwing on a few layers and building the fire.

    My most recent theatre outing was Long Shadows, the first staging of an Inspector Rebus story, featuring characters from the crime novels by Ian Rankin. This wasn't an adaptation of one of them, it was a new story created by Rankin for this play and adapted by Rona Munro, known for her 'James Plays'.

    In the first half I wasn't too sure about it, but it really took off in the second half which featured a gripping battle of wills between Rebus and his gangster nemesis, 'Big Ger' Cafferty, who'll be familiar to anyone who's read the novels. I'm very glad I saw it and recommend it, especially to anyone who's a fan of the books.

    Not being a citizen of the USA, it is not for me to say.

    US citizen or not, you have every right to give an opinion.

    Having looked at a range of sources it appears that the US has the highest rate of privately-owned firearms in the world - the global 2018 Small Arms Survey put US gun ownership at 120%, meaning there are more guns than people. Add to that the weak gun laws, which Trump made weaker when he reversed a law introduced by Obama making it harder for people with history of mental illness to purchase firearms - and then as mentioned above, after one of the various recent mass-shootings, he said guns weren't to blame, mental illness is. You can't make this stuff up.

    Most gun deaths in the US are suicides, and most homicides are individual ones not the mass shootings, although while the US has less than 5% of the world's population, it has 31% of mass shooters.

    While there are countries with higher gun-homicide rates, among developed countries the US is quite high up the list, in the top 6 I understand. The others are nations such as Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela which have various kinds of economic problems and weak institutions such as their criminal justice systems, issues the US doesn't have. What is it in the American pysche that causes such a relatively high rate of gun deaths? Those opposed to stricter gun regulation repeatedly say that guns aren't the issue, people are. Even though the broad availability of guns, and the tenacious belief in the right to bear arms, both contribute to this issue those people are in a sense correct. The guns don't discharge themselves. So in some ways Martinus you are right, whatever the constitutional issues might be, there is clearly an issue of some other kind at work here, that makes so many US citizens trigger-happy.

    As to Trump's possible re-election, I do think it is unfortunately a very real likelihood. While the Dems regained some ground in the mid-terms, that is not going to be a magical solution. Dems 2020 campaigning needs to happen asap and at the moment they don't seem spoiled for choice for candidates. We even have Hillary Clinton indicating she might run again. I quite like her, but thought in 2016 she might not win - the Clinton 'brand' has outlived its shelf-life and I don't think running again will help.

    The emergence of Sarah Palin 10+ years ago sowed the seeds of accepting high-profile politicians being unashamedly bullish, stupid, unsophisticated and hardline. Trump's success is the result, helped by wall-to-wall media coverage the like of which most candidates can only dream of, something that continues even now. His unfiltered aggressive undignified words and behaviour are very popular with great swathes of Middle America who are unbothered by his constant lies and self-contradiction, and his complete disregard for etiquette and the conventions of state, his staining of the office of President. With the Dems so far providing little or no realistic opposition, I foresee another 4 years of DT.