Making noises my little furry friend would make - Squonk
Linking Genesis Lyrics
Knights of the Green Shield stamp and shout - Dancing With The Moonlit Knight
Too close to the deserts of sand, - MMM
Do they play elsewhere, do they know - Watcher Of The Skies
Who care not or gaze with joy - FoF
You keep telling me you're gonna help me, you're gonna help me, but you don't - TTT
(The 'but you don't part is one of my favourite moments in any Genesis song).
Tell me where you came from,
And where you're going to.Anything She Does
Oh Lord, I need that now (Counting Out Time)
Will never tell me where I go - Looking For Someone
Why, why can we never be sure till we die - Time Table
I want a drink,
To take all the dust and the dirt from my throat.Stagnation
The trail they leave is very clear for all to see at night - Squonk
Though your eyes see shipwrecked sailors you're still dry - Blood On The Rooftops
You better watch out... You better watch out. - Squonk
To all who think they know - One Man's Fool
Where a thousand mirages, the shepherds of lies - MMM
She never thought about the future, she just did what she would - Duchess
...disturbed the strange tranquility (The Fountain of Salmacis)
Your tears are falling on the ground. - Squonk
Doesn't matter where I start I always end up - Me & Sarah Jane