Your favorite tracks on ... "PG IV"

  • Your favorite tracks on "PG IV" - pick THREE 29

    1. The Rhythm Of The Heat (15) 52%
    2. San Jacinto (23) 79%
    3. I Have The Touch (8) 28%
    4. The Family And The Fishing Net (11) 38%
    5. Shock The Monkey (8) 28%
    6. Lay Your Hands On Me (6) 21%
    7. Wallflower (13) 45%
    8. Kiss Of Life (0) 0%

    Hi everybody

    I'd like to carry on with the PETER GABRIEL album song polls. So this time it's "IV" or "Security" from 1982. Select three tracks as usual.


    This poll already exists. All post habe been moved to the existing thread here