Happy 75th Birthday, JOHN SILVER

  • Happy Birthday to JOHN SILVER, who turns 75 today!

    Photo by Maurizio Vicedomini, taken in 2011 during an interview with John, conducted by Dusk Italian Genesis Magazine




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  • Hmm, so he would have been born on February 22, 1949. That would make him the oldest living G-man, wouldn't it? (The late John Mayhew would have been the only one born earlier.)

    I notice that John Silver's Wikipedia entry just gives his birthdate as "1950." Is there a source for his actual birthdate that could be used as a citation for correcting this?

    Little known fact: Before the crowbar was invented...

    ...crows simply drank at home.

  • Mario also interviewed him in 2011, that's where the photo we have used comes from. So he is a reliable source for this.




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