The classic Genesis Hair Logo

  • None at all, it's 100% unofficial but got used widely on bootleg t-shirts, badges and patches in the 70s that were mainly sold through ads in the music weeklies. There was another one that used Salvador Dali's Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man around the same time. Again no connection at all to the band or their music but with the man emerging from the egg at least there was a very tenuous connection with the concept of Genesis I guess. The hair one I could never work out, maybe someone just liked the image.

  • Reviving this as I've just come across this logo on a t-shirt in the current items on the official shop site. It's listed as "nuevo girl" - apart from Spanish for 'new' a quick check tells me Nuevo is also the name of towns in California and Puerto Rico. Why are they calling it that?

    Given the above explanation of this logo's provenance from serpent (which I think rings true) it's interesting that an unofficial bootleg image from the 70s has now made its way on to official merchandise 50 years later.

    By the way - 25% off store-wide as I write this! I keep checking the store mainly in the distant hope of seeing the 'London venues history' t-shirt from TLD tour re-appear. It still riles me that they had it on display at the London O2 gigs, but seemingly only to taunt those of us who didn't manage to get one before it sold out. Which obviously happened at the first gig as it was unavailable at the 2nd and 3rd.

    Abandon all reason

  • None at all, it's 100% unofficial but got used widely on bootleg t-shirts, badges and patches in the 70s that were mainly sold through ads in the music weeklies. There was another one that used Salvador Dali's Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man around the same time. Again no connection at all to the band or their music but with the man emerging from the egg at least there was a very tenuous connection with the concept of Genesis I guess. The hair one I could never work out, maybe someone just liked the image.

    Thanks. I was wondering what this is and where it canoes from a while ago!

    Reviving this as I've just come across this logo on a t-shirt in the current items on the official shop site. It's listed as "nuevo girl" - apart from Spanish for 'new' a quick check tells me Nuevo is also the name of towns in California and Puerto Rico. Why are they calling it that?

    Given the above explanation of this logo's provenance from serpent (which I think rings true) it's interesting that an unofficial bootleg image from the 70s has now made its way on to official merchandise 50 years later.

    By the way - 25% off store-wide as I write this! I keep checking the store mainly in the distant hope of seeing the 'London venues history' t-shirt from TLD tour re-appear. It still riles me that they had it on display at the London O2 gigs, but seemingly only to taunt those of us who didn't manage to get one before it sold out. Which obviously happened at the first gig as it was unavailable at the 2nd and 3rd.

    What? Well, THAT is strange, or at least interesting!

  • What? Well, THAT is strange, or at least interesting!

    I wonder if they tracked down its originator to cut them in. Somehow I doubt it. There might be some quivering grizzled old straggly grey haired pothead west coast dude who sees it and rails against those corporate bread heads stealing his idea.... maaaaaan.

    Abandon all reason