RAY WILSON - consistent five tracks

  • Following on from my Genesis question and for the sake if completion ......

    We’ve had lots of great polls about albums and tracks and I always find it hard to pick a top 1, 5, 10 or whatever it is. My top ten changes over time. I don't follow Ray at all, although I think he has a wonderful voice and I really like his guest spots with Steve live

    But for those of you who do follow him which five would always be in your top ten?

  • Christian

    Changed the title of the thread from “consistent five tracks” to “RAY WILSON - consistent five tracks”.
  • "Ought To Be Resting"


    "Fly High"

    "Song For A Friend"

    "Makes Me Think Of Home"

    There are a couple of tracks that come close, like "Hey, Hey", "American Beauty", "Beach", "You Could Have Been Someone" and some others.

    I also like "Cool Water", I wonder why this didn't end up on one of his early albums.

    ... good things come to those who wait

  • I don't have all his albums, but those tracks are nice:

    Another Day



    Lemon Yellow Sun

    American Beauty

    ... make tomorrow today!