After having been around this forum and others, having been a fan for 35 +years and having numerous conversations with Genesis fans, I'm coming clean...There a handful of songs out there that I feel like the vast majority of Genesis fans adore, but I, quite honestly, don't like those songs. So here's my list. Feel free to knock me in any way you wish. I'm free of this burden
Mad Man Moon-Maybe I just don't get it, but I think this song is a downer. Other than that section in the middle where the tempo picks up, this song is largely forgettable for me.
Chamber of 32 Doors-I actually used to think this was a pretty good song, but comparing it with the rest of the music on the Lamb, not that great of a song.
Open Door-Always one of those songs that folks think should have replaced Please Don't Ask or Alone Tonight on Duke. Honestly, I think it's slightly better than PDA and a push with Alone Tonight and those are the weakest tracks on Duke IMO
Many Too Many-Seems to be loved by a lot of folks, just never did anything for me.
Does anyone else feel this way about any Genesis songs? Use this thread as an "airing of the grievances" and we'll get through this together.
I also reserve the right to change my opinion on any of these songs at any point in the future...