Peter Gabriel on

  • As of today Peter Gabriel has started working with At this time the current library consists of all studio albums + the Plays Live, Secret World Live & Growing Up Live (Italy 2003) albums.

    Think we'll get the encore series shows on there eventually?

    Think we'll get anything he may have that's recorded but unreleased on there (Lots of old content + late 2002 Up Tour)??
    Think we'll get the new tour on there when that starts?? The announcement contains the phrase "These additions precede the launch of Gabriel's first tour in over a decade, in support of his forthcoming album i/o" so could it be that he'll offer those shows on there (a la Springsteen who's show I recently saw)?

    • Official Post

    Has this been officially announced? I mean that Peter started working with them. Do you have a link?

    • Official Post

    Yes. I wouldn't have posted it if it weren't officially announced.

    and still, you don't have a link?

    Well, I found some info myself. I just appreciate some evidence, i.e. a link or source where the info comes from.

  • and still, you don't have a link?

    Well, I found some info myself. I just appreciate some evidence, i.e. a link or source where the info comes from.

    Why do you want a link? Have you all of a sudden become a moderator who wants sources for everything that gets posted? As of right now any way this content is streaming only -- I'm assuming the encore series is nugs bound eventually? (I hope that any of these happen: 1. While on nugs all his content becomes download too. 2. He puts the encore shows/the new tour on bandcamp. 3. He puts the encore shows/new tour on streaming everywhere).

    The Who's Encore Series shows found their way to and I bought a couple 2006 concerts before I went to see them on the Moving on Tour.

  • Why do you want a link? Have you all of a sudden become a moderator who wants sources for everything that gets posted? As of right now any way this content is streaming only -- I'm assuming the encore series is nugs bound eventually? (I hope that any of these happen: 1. While on nugs all his content becomes download too. 2. He puts the encore shows/the new tour on bandcamp. 3. He puts the encore shows/new tour on streaming everywhere).

    The Who's Encore Series shows found their way to and I bought a couple 2006 concerts before I went to see them on the Moving on Tour.

    Surely it goes without saying that if a claim like this is made, evidence for the claim would at the very least be helpful.

  • ...

    Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by 'encore shows'?


    These were authorized live soundboard recordings that were sold by, by arrangement with the artist.

    There were eight Gabriel tours, from 2003 to 2014 where (I believe) every show was recorded and sold as part of this Encore series.

    I bought several of them over that stretch. They were a nice quality-sounding alternative to bootlegs

    In addition to Gabriel, there was an Encore series during Genesis 2007 tour.

    Other bands that did this in 2000s were The Who and Duran Duran.

    I've never seen these recordings commercially available other than through, so I would think would have to obtain or purchase the rights to these recordings from that third party.

  • I'm wondering that about nugs releasing those because themusic is dead.

    I did get two Who shows from 2006 off amazon.

  • PG is listed on this site, but it's a bit of a leap to claim that this necessarily means his next tour will be streamed. You are making far too many assumptions.

    Forgive my ignorance but what do you mean by 'encore shows'?…r-online-music-streaming/

    The line "These additions precede the launch of Gabriel's first tour in over a decade, in support of his forthcoming album i/o" is what has me wondering about nugs dropping these shows/PG possibly even dropping them on bandcamp.

  • The line "These additions precede the launch of Gabriel's first tour in over a decade, in support of his forthcoming album i/o" is what has me wondering about nugs dropping these shows/PG possibly even dropping them on bandcamp.

    I found the Facebook post.

    As Peter Gabriel gears up for his first tour in over a decade, we're excited to welcome a number of his streaming titles to, including three live albums from Gabriel's illustrious solo career; 'Peter Gabriel Plays Live' from 1983, 'Secret World Live' from 1993, and 'Growing Up Live' from 2003. 14 decorated studio titles round out the first batch of audio.

    Listen in the app here [Blocked Image:

    I have not been able to find the 'these additions' line, which is why a link would be helpful, which so far you have not provided. I seem to be missing something basic.

  • The these additions line was from the email. It was phrased differently between the email and Facebook.

  • The most interesting part of the Encore series was the 2007 tour where Gabriel was resurrecting many songs he hadn't played for ages. I have one where he played Moribund, On the Air, DIY, Humdrum, and Mother of Violence.

    I certainly hope the new tour would result in some kind of release, given that at least some of the new songs will get an airing.

  • The most interesting part of the Encore series was the 2007 tour where Gabriel was resurrecting many songs he hadn't played for ages. I have one where he played Moribund, On the Air, DIY, Humdrum, and Mother of Violence.

    I certainly hope the new tour would result in some kind of release, given that at least some of the new songs will get an airing.

    Yeah. Hopefully nugs/bandcamp for all shows + one show getting a DVD/Blu-ray release like last tour.

    • Official Post

    Nothing about this so far. Quite obviously they have roses ideas tondi so, but probably decided otherwise as they are going so many new tracks?