TotW 11/20/2023 - 11/26/2023: PETER GABRIEL - Signal To Noise

    • Official Post

    Your rating for "Signal To Noise" by PETER GABRIEL 15

    1. 15 points - outstanding (6) 40%
    2. 14 points - very good (5) 33%
    3. 13 points - very good - (2) 13%
    4. 12 points - good + (2) 13%
    5. 11 points - good (0) 0%
    6. 10 points - good - (0) 0%
    7. 09 points - satisfactory + (0) 0%
    8. 08 points - satisfactory (0) 0%
    9. 07 points - satisfactory - (0) 0%
    10. 06 points - sufficient + (0) 0%
    11. 05 points - sufficient (0) 0%
    12. 04 points - sufficient - (0) 0%
    13. 03 points - poor + (0) 0%
    14. 02 points - poor (0) 0%
    15. 01 points - poor - (0) 0%
    16. 00 points - abysmal (0) 0%

    We invite you to share interesting facts and tidbits about this track. Let's look at the track in the context of the band's / the artist's history, at the music, the songwriting and all other aspects that are relevant for this track. Please do stick to the discussion of the track above. Comparisons to other tracks are okay, but remember that the other track you may be keen to talk about has or will have its own Track Of The Week thread. If you spot a mistake or if you can close a gap in the fact sheet above please feel free to contact martinus or Christian about it; we will gladly add and improve!

    PETER GABRIEL - Signal To Noise
    Year: 2002
    Album: UP
    Working title: unknown
    Credits: Gabriel
    Lyrics: Yes
    Length: 7:37
    Musicians: Peter Gabriel, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, Tony Levin, David Rhodes
    Played Live: 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
    Cover versions: unknown

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    Notes: Gabriel first performed the song Signal To Noise live back in 1996 - as part of the VH-1 event "VH-1 Honors Witness". Fans expected the new album to be released soon, but had to wait until 2002. However, the 1996 version of Signal To Noise is different from the one Gabriel finally released on UP in 2002. In 1996, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan was still there, lending the song his unmistakable voice. Interestingly, his part on the album version comes from the VH-1 performance. On the Still Growing Up Tour, Signal To Noise was usually the last song of the regular set.




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  • One of his absolute best songs in my opinion, certainly one of his best lyrics - the notion of good intentions and truth having to struggle through so much distortion to be heard and seen chimes strongly with me. "Turn up the signal, wipe out the noise" is a clarion call to anyone wanting to strip away all the crap to get at the goodness. It strikes an even more relevant chord 20 years on now when misinformation, disinformation, deceit, manufactured confusion and blatant outright lies are the common currency of discourse more than ever before.

    It was a powerful end to the main set on those tours as mentioned above. I wondered if he'd do it on this year's tour given that its message is even more vital right now. But I can see why it might not have fit in the current set.

    Abandon all reason

  • This and Darkness were the two standouts for me on this album. As Backdrifter notes, the lyrics continue to be highly relevant. And the music is dramatic, with echoes of his 4th album. I'm also a huge Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan fan and had the fortune of seeing him live twice, so his presence is just icing on the cake.

  • This is a brilliant song. I love how it builds, and how the wall of sound matches the desperation of the lyrics. There's also something just really cool about shouting "receive and transmit!" over a big dramatic orchestral piece of music. It was my favorite when UP came and a big reason why I fell in love with the album. Top marks from me, 15.

  • 14 points

    I always thought this was something special. But the album version is not the best one, that's why I did not give 15 points. The version on the Art Of Peace / Tibet sampler is the best, I think!

  • 14 points

    I always thought this was something special. But the album version is not the best one, that's why I did not give 15 points. The version on the Art Of Peace / Tibet sampler is the best, I think!

    oh yes, this version is also great!

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