Never seen, been, done

  • This'll be familiar to anyone who knows the BBC radio/TV show Never Seen Star Wars. It's a chance to release into the world your statements of well-known stuff - films, TV shows, plays - you've never seen, books you never read, things you've never done. By which I mean, I suppose, 'big' things - never been in or on the sea, never been to a different country, never eaten Chinese food, whatever. Rather than the usual bucket-list stuff e.g. free-fall jumping, swimming with dolphins, blah blah blah etc. Also nothing too niche - I can say I've never seen Henry Kissinger wrapping tagliatelle around a bollard (though I did once see Cyrus Vance hanging linguine from a telegraph pole), nor have I ever laid in a bath-tub of marmalade while singing Ode To Joy backwards. Some of you may have seen or done either of those, or variations of them, but save them for now.

    I mean stuff more like, eg real ones of mine, I've never been to the USA, never read any of the works of Charles Dickens, never learned to ride a bike or drive a car.

    Abandon all reason

    Edited once, last by Backdrifter ().

  • I've never eaten squid, escargot, venison, sauerkraut, or raw meat of any kind, including sushi.

    I've never had curry.

    I've never been to Europe (except when my mom took me to Birmingham, England when I was 3 months old)

    I've never been to a national park.

    I never learned a second language.

    I never got a tattoo or piercings or dyed my hair.

    I've never ridden a motorcycle.

    I've never been on Facebook.

    Never played a game on my cellphone.

    Never watched The Walking Dead

    I've never been stung by a bee, spider or a snake

  • GoT comes up a lot with this question. I too am a non-GoT-er. Never read any Lord of the Rings nor seen the films beyond a few minutes worth.

    You're not missing anything. I thought I was going to implode from boredom during one of those movies. In fact, had I been offered the option of imploding, I would have gratefully taken it.

    I've never had curry.


    May I politely enquire... Is it something you avoid on purpose or it's just never come up? My weekly vindaloo is one of the few anchors I have that keeps me from going berserk.

    Edit: I've never eaten (or 'shucked') an oyster

    Also edit: excellent idea for a thread.

  • You're not missing anything. I thought I was going to implode from boredom during one of those movies. In fact, had I been offered the option of imploding, I would have gratefully taken it.

    Yes the reason I've never managed more than a few minutes of them is as above, ie I felt myself slipping into a coma through sheer tedium. And why do they so often have to speak so slowly and portentously? "This.... will..... be..... the..... " - by which point I've lost any interest I might've had in what 'this will be' (and didn't have much to start with anyway).

    I love the idea of your 'weekly vindaloo'. I'm sure you've mentioned it another thread, maybe the Food & Drink one. Is it the same dish each week from the same source or do you vary it? Do you ever make it yourself?

    Abandon all reason

  • I love the idea of your 'weekly vindaloo'. I'm sure you've mentioned it another thread, maybe the Food & Drink one. Is it the same dish each week from the same source or do you vary it? Do you ever make it yourself?

    I probably did mention it - I'm prone to repetition. Briefly, I had worked my way up to a weekly 'phall' (hotter than vindaloo) from the same Indian place. Then I moved to the US where i had very little money, and even if I had, the hottest thing I could find was a pale imitation of vindaloo. So I started making my own. I found a very good recipe online, and started investigating peppers... I settled on a combination of Carolina Reapers, Moruga Scorpions and Ghost Peppers, adding around 10 of the first two and 7 or 8 ghosts (for a smokier heat). This would be for a large pot from which I could freeze 5 or 6 portions in addition to the one I was eating. The result was beyond incendiary and I loved it. A chef mate of mine gave me the tip to add dark chocolate and it was the final touch that made it perfect.

    Now I have a little more money and a good bit less time, and we moved to a place with a great Indian restaurant, so I'm back to buying it. Same order every weekend (I get chicken, pilau rice and a garlic naan). I had to badger them at the start to make it hot enough... Eventually they got the message! I tip well enough now to thank them.

    That's my vindaloo story. Sorry it was long! I think sitting down to eat it probably hits some of the same receptors as smoking a cigarette does (I haven't smoked in fifteen years). Satisfaction and a sense that 'this is what I'm doing for the next while, and nothing will disturb me'!

    For the thread: I've never seen Breaking Bad.

  • Haha, I said 'briefly' at the start of my post

    No matter. Where food's concerned I'm very happy with long explanations. So as not to burden this thread with (albeit delicious and enjoyable) food talk I'm going to continue this thought over in the Food & Drink forum.

    Like you I also haven't ever seen Breaking Bad but I only ever hear good things about it.

    If i whisper it, and none of my muso friends around....then never owned a Bowie album there said it and now suffer the damnation of every music journalist!

    Hahaha! Well I'm a Bowie nut but I find it healthy there are those who never bought anything of his or maybe never really engaged with his work. You can relax, I'm not one of those types who suddenly sprouts a back polo-neck and adopts a serious face and voice and starts to explain to you where you're going wrong and which works of his to start with in order to really properly understand what he did.

    Abandon all reason

  • thank goodness for that! I have no question over his huge influence on music, just his vocal has never got me enthralled although needless to say some tracks are classics.

    Some journalists start salivating at his mention, so maybe i just missed something along the way

  • I have no question over his huge influence on music, just his vocal has never got me enthralled although needless to say some tracks are classics.

    Some journalists start salivating at his mention, so maybe i just missed something along the way

    I love that this happens. It's how it should be. The big iconic creatives absolutely shouldn't be universally revered, there have to be those who are critical of them, or unconvinced/unimpressed, or simply never engaged or saw what the fuss was.

    It sounds like you might be similar with DB to how I am with, say, Bob Dylan and Kate Bush. I totally see the seismic impact they each had in their own ways, and how uniquely talented they are. I genuinely admire and respect them. I just don't much like their work.

    Abandon all reason

    • Official Post

    I've never listened to Calling All Stations or anything by Ray Wilson. I have little to no interest in that era of the band.

    so it's more like

    never heard, won't, will never be done

    isn't that a different thread? :D