1978 (Mirrors) Tour

  • Geez, I re-read the interview and it's an interesting one. I stopped counting how many times the author refers to the French as "the Frogs". Being French-Canadian, that doesn't go over terribly well and would absolutely never be in an article written in 2021.

    Based on that and pretty much the rest of it that writer was clearly a championship twat. The stuff about French food and the "females only" remark... No doubt the type of person who bemoans that we can no longer freely use derogatory terms about foreigners would deride us for being "offended", which I'm personally not, I'd just rather not see this sort of lumpen stupidity on display.

    Other than that I'm surprised by the alleged Hackett lawsuit thing, I'd never heard of that. What's the source of the current "vibe" you refer to?

    Abandon all reason

  • Based on that and pretty much the rest of it that writer was clearly a championship twat. The stuff about French food and the "females only" remark... No doubt the type of person who bemoans that we can no longer freely use derogatory terms about foreigners would deride us for being "offended", which I'm personally not, I'd just rather not see this sort of lumpen stupidity on display.

    Other than that I'm surprised by the alleged Hackett lawsuit thing, I'd never heard of that. What's the source of the current "vibe" you refer to?

    Hi Backdrifter. Well, it seems that Steve puts a jab in at his former teammates once in a while still. The R-Kive video stuff (whatever it was called) was a fairly recent example of that where he started bitching at Banks, in particular. And I'm probably reading way too much into this but there's a part of me that thinks that the recent post by Nad Sylvan might actually be a frustration also shared by Steve (i.e. that they're "competing" with Genesis at the moment). All silly really since we can enjoy both.

  • i have seen some fairy recent quotes from Steve, where seems to be having a slight dig at Tony and Mike..Will try and find them

    Feel that some irony that touring with Seconds Out, when he left when the album was being mixed and was pretty much mixed out of it...but he was in the recorded shows so guess he is eligible 😄

  • Quote

    Well, it seems that Steve puts a jab in at his former teammates once in a while still

    Well, Tony did a bit of that too, particularly just after Steve's departure...

    EDIT : The picture is a screenshot from Genesis Archive...

    [Blocked Image: https://medias.audiofanzine.com/images/thumbs3/2124514.jpeg]

    Tony since acknowledged that he had "lost an ally" when Steve left the band.

    And Steve defended Tony against some of his fans ("Genesis is not Genesis without you... blah-blah")

  • Hm also interesting in that article Mike (or maybe Tony, couldn't really tell from the writing who was talking) that the concert film from the 76 tour was "bad, terrible." Sounds like we could've got more films from some of the later tours if they didn't feel that way.

  • Hm also interesting in that article Mike (or maybe Tony, couldn't really tell from the writing who was talking) that the concert film from the 76 tour was "bad, terrible." Sounds like we could've got more films from some of the later tours if they didn't feel that way.

    They certainly took issue with Tony Maylam exercising artistic licence, adding non-concert footage as a couple of songs are playing.

    That is certainly a view shared by many fans.

    I don't know if they were too happy about several songs being edited to cut down the film's running time or the fact the audience footage was shot at a Yes concert.

  • They certainly took issue with Tony Maylam exercising artistic licence, adding non-concert footage as a couple of songs are playing.

    That is certainly a view shared by many fans.

    I don't know if they were too happy about several songs being edited to cut down the film's running time or the fact the audience footage was shot at a Yes concert.

    Whaaaat? They actually shot the audience footage at a Yes concert? Well that makes me feel a little better about the fact that in one audience shot you can clearly see someone sound asleep. Beyond that I agree that the non-concert footage was horrendous, especially during the second half of Cinema Show and Apocalypse in 9/8.

  • Whaaaat? They actually shot the audience footage at a Yes concert? Well that makes me feel a little better about the fact that in one audience shot you can clearly see someone sound asleep. Beyond that I agree that the non-concert footage was horrendous, especially during the second half of Cinema Show and Apocalypse in 9/8.

    Agreed...the inserts of film for SR and the finale to los endos are shockingly poor. But the original show recording is still gathering dust somewhere...maybe one day it can see the light of day in full glory!

  • Oh their Vienna footage from 1978 is a nice surprise of course.


    I was at this exact show in July, '78 (on the 12th). Nice to see some video. Oh, the memories.....

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  • I have not had a chance to watch the full thing yet, but about a week ago someone posted this video of a full Mirrors Tour concert on Youtube.

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  • I have not had a chance to watch the full thing yet, but about a week ago someone posted this video of a full Mirrors Tour concert on Youtube.

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    Thanks! Who the heck filmed all of this? Especially in 1978 where these types of videos were still super rare.... Ah, to see Cinema Show again (properly played in its entirety as opposed to those shitty medleys), a song that the didn't play on the previous tour, much to my chagrin. Genesis was such a great band live in the '70s... Thanks again.

  • I recently watched this too and can say it does look and sound AI synchronized but this seems more like a compilation of clips and not specifically from the Mirrors tours that honestly, I can't see them raised over the stage.

    But always nice to hear what Genesis was back then in their full glory.