i/o The Tour: Did Peter Gabriel consider playing a Genesis track?

    • Official Post

    Well, it looks like

    Nassim Belkaïd noticed a little and interesting detail in one of the photos Volker Warncke took in Hamburg, The screen of one of the monitors at the side of the stage was on that photo and it obviously showed some programming setup for the show. Clearly visible are the track titles in their setlist order.

    We all know that the German version of "Flood" was added to the set for the German shows, so it's listed right after Washing Of The Water. Then, before Growing Up, the list clearly says "Carpet Crawlers". It looks like this was planned for the campfire intro then. The fact they didn't even delete it when they added "Flood" also hints it consideres, biut as we all know, it hasn't been played.

  • As much as I'd like to hear that, as much I am happy he didn't do it. He left Genesis behind for good reasons and it would be odd to hear that. On the other hand, the Dancing with the moonlit knight bit he did in 2016 was emotional.

    • Official Post

    Richard Macphail confirmed Carpet Crawlers was on the list …

  • As much as I'd like to hear that, as much I am happy he didn't do it. He left Genesis behind for good reasons and it would be odd to hear that.

    In principle I agree with this and feel it's in keeping with his singular, uncompromising approach that he pushes ahead, doesn't revisit that part of his career and places major focus on the new. But I'd be really intrigued to have heard it.

    It played a significant role in his final chapter with his original band, with his having to hurriedly conceive it and its then going on to become something of an iconic song. He saw his old comadres play it as the last ever song they performed. At his age he likely soon won't be touring ever again. He's dabbled with doing Genesis material as you say, and in 2007 even talked to his band about doing Supper's Ready. I felt the stars had aligned such that he'd do a Genesis song on this tour, and that it'd be that one. At least I can feel pleased I got it significantly right!

    With this band it would have been an interesting new take on it, and I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually includes it. I'll be a bit gutted I missed it though!

    Abandon all reason

  • I do find it interesting that Carpet Crawlers was at least considered. As Backdrifter notes, if there is a time to revisit any Genesis material, it is either now or soon into the future. Who knows how much more performing he will be doing.

  • As much as I'd like to hear that, as much I am happy he didn't do it. He left Genesis behind for good reasons and it would be odd to hear that. On the other hand, the Dancing with the moonlit knight bit he did in 2016 was emotional.

    Mixed feelings here as well. My first thought was, maybe it's just something they made up for some interlude rearrangement of the stage. But then Macphail also confirmed this was planned.

    Would I like to hear it? Yes

    Do I need it? No

    Is it necessary? No

    Would I be angry if he did it nevertheless? No

    So .... :/

  • I think Backdrifter sums it up well. But having just been to the gig in Manchester I don’t think it would have fitted in, especially with such obscure lyrics. His new material is so good and direct that even though I was one of those disappointed not to be getting more old material - I found myself wanting even more new stuff, almost as if any song from the past was a bit of an interruption. In the end though I would love to see him sing some Genesis, just once.

  • I would have loved that and was hoping but certainly not expecting that there would be some kind of nod to Genesis. Ultimately if he had it would have overshadowed the new stuff

    Headlines would have been about one 50 year old song with the new songs as a plus not the other around, and also likely the bits in-between would be ignored., so it's totally understandable .