How many songs from The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway has Phil sung live?

  • Yes, how many tracks from the Lamb album has Phil sung live or on record?

    (I can only think of The Carpet Crawlers duet with Pete on record).

    Is it not many? Or has he sang more from The Lamb than we might think?

    "She looks at me and gently smiles, as if she knew I'd ask her all the time..."

  • The Lamb

    In The Cage

    Carpet Crawlers


    Then were a few tracks they tried only once or twice on stage. The ones I'm aware of are ...

    Back In New York City

    Lilywhite Lilith

    Then, of course, there were instrumental bits they did like Fly On A Windshield and excerpts from Colony Of Slippermen.

    • Official Post

    Counting Out Time was pretty much a shared vocal on record




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  • I think you've covered it, except for the little bits of "Riding The Scree" heard in the "In The Cage" medley on THREE SIDES LIVE.

    Regarding the (really badly recorded) 1/1/77 performance of "Lilywhite Lilith", which segues into "Wot Gorilla?": Supposedly there's a bit of The Waiting Room stuck between the two songs; but if there is, it's so brief as not to really count for anything.

  • I agree that as far as ones PC sang live are concerned, this is it.

    I think Tony has said they tried The Grand Parade of Lifeless Packaging? Can anyone corroborate this?

    Bloody hell. Really?! "Tried" perhaps as in had a go at rehearsing it ahead of a tour? If so, very odd one to choose. I'm pretty sure it never made it into a post-75 set list.

    Abandon all reason

  • I agree that as far as ones PC sang live are concerned, this is it.

    Bloody hell. Really?! "Tried" perhaps as in had a go at rehearsing it ahead of a tour? If so, very odd one to choose. I'm pretty sure it never made it into a post-75 set list.

    Ok, he was saying in to corroborate how Peter's lyrics made The Lamb tracks not work out of the context of the album, and that they tried The Grand Parade but it didn't work, so yes maybe an abortive rehearsal.

  • ... how Peter's lyrics made The Lamb tracks not work out of the context of the album ...

    I can't recall if it was Tony or Phil who made that remark, but I always thought it was a bizarre excuse for not playing more individual tracks from The Lamb - as if the audience at a rock concert would care about proper lyrical context.

  • I can't recall if it was Tony or Phil who made that remark, but I always thought it was a bizarre excuse for not playing more individual tracks from The Lamb - as if the audience at a rock concert would care about proper lyrical context.

    I'm sure I've read Banks saying it. I think he said he'd had loved them to continue doing The Lamia (as would I!) but - insert "wouldn't work out of context" comment. I agree, I find that baffling. Plus, so why did they ever do anything from The Lamb ever again?

    Abandon all reason

  • I can't recall if it was Tony or Phil who made that remark, but I always thought it was a bizarre excuse for not playing more individual tracks from The Lamb - as if the audience at a rock concert would care about proper lyrical context.

    I would assume both have said it...multiple times :)

    I'm sure I've read Banks saying it. I think he said he'd had loved them to continue doing The Lamia (as would I!) but - insert "wouldn't work out of context" comment. I agree, I find that baffling. Plus, so why did they ever do anything from The Lamb ever again?

    Yes, is that in the 2007 interviews? He says something really funny, along the lines of "The Lamia could have been a really nice song, instead you have something about snakes." I guess Tony's resentment at Peter writing all the lyrics, and maybe the bad memories associated with that time of the band - along with the out of context stuff - precluded the band from doing many of the songs. From memory, Mike said in his book something like played The Lamb in full forced them to play a lot of songs that weren't great and didn't really work live, I think he even name drops Here Comes the Supernatural Anaesthetist.

    So what songs do you guys reckon they could have carried on playing? I would say Counting out Time, The Chamber of 32 Doors (I think these - words and music, except the 32 doors intro - were written by Peter alone so maybe that explains it) and The Lamia would have all sounded good on later tours.

  • So what songs do you guys reckon they could have carried on playing? I would say Counting out Time, The Chamber of 32 Doors (I think these - words and music, except the 32 doors intro - were written by Peter alone so maybe that explains it) and The Lamia would have all sounded good on later tours.

    Excellent question. Apart from the ones they did do, I agree re Chamber and Lamia. I'd add Windshield (whether or not coupled to Melody) and those brilliant Waiting Room blowouts. Totally antithetical to their usual approach but I think they badly needed that. Collins was a big fan of that and Scree, which I'd also include.

    Abandon all reason

  • I can't recall if it was Tony or Phil who made that remark, but I always thought it was a bizarre excuse for not playing more individual tracks from The Lamb - as if the audience at a rock concert would care about proper lyrical context.

    Indeed! On that basis, you could never play Firth of Fifth, since lyrically, it is out of context with everything! ;)


    Putting the old-fashioned Staffordshire plate in the dishwasher!

  • Thanks All.

    So Tony didn't want to play a song with lyrics about 'snakes' and Phil apparently disliked singing about 'sheets of double glazing'...

    "She looks at me and gently smiles, as if she knew I'd ask her all the time..."

  • Thanks All.

    So Tony didn't want to play a song with lyrics about 'snakes' and Phil apparently disliked singing about 'sheets of double glazing'...

    Taking us into potentially another thread but PC also found it difficult to sing nylon sheets and blankets, bread bin and undinal. I don't think Banks was the sole offender in terms of difficult-to-sing lyrics though. It must've been quite hard to get his mouth around I've got sunshine in my stomach and large parts of Carpet Crawlers. We're told he decided he couldn't get behind the lyric of Abacab when rehearsing the 07 tour hence it being dropped and a key album going unrepresented, which I thought was a real pity.

    Abandon all reason

  • Yes, I too thought of Abacab.

    I've always liked the song's sort of stream of consciousness lyrics!

    "She looks at me and gently smiles, as if she knew I'd ask her all the time..."

  • Yes, I too thought of Abacab.

    I've always liked the song's sort of stream of consciousness lyrics!

    I agree. It's one of my favourite lyrics of theirs, indeed I think one of their best ever lines is When you wake in the morning, wake and find you're covered in cellophane / There's a hole in there somewhere

    Abandon all reason