The Thread Of Complete Randomness

  • Had to buy a new computer 3 weeks ago, why is this new machine slower then my Macbook Air from 2013. The fact I bought this is because my WiFi/Internet card is not working.

    Having bought my new computer an iMac desktop. This machine is slower by quite a lot.

    Having bought the machine which has 250 GB hard drive is now reduced to 125 GB out of the box 8|

    I have now bought an external Wifi/Internet device for my old laptop from 2013 and runs very well indeed. $50.. :)

    Now have 2 computers.

    Why do software updates take too much space?:rolleyes:

  • While idly browsing online, I came across a first edition of Salem's Lot, Stephen King's second book for sale. A snip, at $136,000 =O.

    Maybe if Elon Musk is looking for something to read on his trip to the moon!

  • Reading about this possible collapse of the Atlantic Meridional current whilst a pandemic rages on has me feeling a little of the old existential dread, and fearing for the world I'm gifting my kids. The online research rabbit hole led me to abrupt climate change, and theories that the Younger Dryas, or sudden freezing that happened after the last ice age had ended - this event occurred because some massive freshwater lake in Canada flooded the Atlantic and shut down this Meridional thing - may have occurred in the space of months. As in glaciers appearing in Ireland and the UK between one Christmas and the next. Part of the dread has me wondering if Bezos, Musk, Branson et al and their expeditions to space know something we don't.

    Sorry for being a paranoid downer!

    Edit: I should say, as a vaccinated person living in a heavily vaccinated area where hospitalizations remain low despite a small uptick in cases, I am not personally worried about COVID. My kids are low risk. But this planet scale shit that could upend the apple cart and might be uncorrectable worries the hell out of me. I think it has to do with something called a fat-tail risk, a low probability event with gigantic implications.

  • Reading about this possible collapse of the Atlantic Meridional current whilst a pandemic rages on has me feeling a little of the old existential dread, and fearing for the world I'm gifting my kids.

    Mother earth already got rid of the pandemic called human being several times. Anyway, one does not need to be afraid because we all must die. And do not whine because having (to many) children is the main problem. If not so many people were so selfish to starting an own family, we all had more space to breathe on our small ship. And therefore I also would not call the world a gift anymore today. Sadly, I know many selfish parents who seem to ignore their children's future and are bad parents with the prospect of obvious problems coming.

    Quote from a random mother or father

    But who cares?! Now I have a sweet little child. Now I am happy. So do not dare to tell me about the future and get vaccinated because that is the only problem I can see. I, I, I, Me, Me, Me, My, My, My.


  • Mother earth already got rid of the pandemic called human being several times.

    Really? When?? Seems to me like we're kind of still here.

    And do not whine because having (to many) children is the main problem.

    Thanks for this tip which I noticed hidden in the middle of your extremely whiny post (honestly, it's an 11 out of 10, it nearly blew my whinometer apart), but I'm gonna go right ahead and whine my head off whenever I feel like it 😃. You're also dead wrong of course, the earth can sustain our current population and more if we managed our resources properly, which we don't.

  • Really? When?? Seems to me like we're kind of still here.

    Thanks for this tip which I noticed hidden in the middle of your extremely whiny post (honestly, it's an 11 out of 10, it nearly blew my whinometer apart), but I'm gonna go right ahead and whine my head off whenever I feel like it 😃. You're also dead wrong of course, the earth can sustain our current population and more if we managed our resources properly, which we don't.

    I agree. The problem isn’t overpopulation; it’s the damage we are doing through climate change to the crucial ecosystems that sustain life. Countries like China, India and Brazil are replicating the Western model of development. The additive impact of rapid industrial development over the last 2-3 centuries is the real culprit, and much if not most of that damage was produced during periods of time when the populations of the countries of Western Europe, Great Britain and the US pale in comparison to the rapidly developing countries today. And if you want to look at the problem from a purely nationalist perspective over the next several decades the US, Western Europe and Japan will face a crisis of rapidly slowing population growth. Ironically the very same countries where today you have large-scale anti-immigrant movements will have to rely on immigration to sustain sufficient numbers in their work-age populations.

  • Earlier I saw a branded truck go past, 'Castle Removals'. Blimey, that's a hell of a service.

    If you come home and find someone's dumped a castle in your garden - again - you know who to contact.

    Abandon all reason

  • New pet peeve.

    Walking down stairs behind someone who is walking downstairs very (very) slowly because their eyes are glued to their phone. Must. Not. Push. PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN YOU FUCKING FUCK!!!

    ....and breathe....

  • New pet peeve.

    Walking down stairs behind someone who is walking downstairs very (very) slowly because their eyes are glued to their phone. Must. Not. Push. PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN YOU FUCKING FUCK!!!

    ....and breathe....

    That annoys me at the top or bottom of escalators. They know they have to get on or off. So they stand there blocking everyone else's way looking at their phone.

    Regarding the football Liverpool are off to a promising start.

  • New pet peeve.

    Walking down stairs behind someone who is walking downstairs very (very) slowly because their eyes are glued to their phone. Must. Not. Push. PUT YOUR FUCKING PHONE DOWN YOU FUCKING FUCK!!!

    ....and breathe....

    For me this and variations of it is now a well-established peeve.

    Over 12 years ago I was leaving a theatre but had to stop in the exit behind a woman who stood there gazing at her phone. After a few moments I politely said "excuse me". She turned, glared at me and tutted. GLARED AND TUTTED. Well that was it, all politeness instantly evaporated. I leaned forward and shouted right into her face "YOU'RE BLOCKING THE BLOODY DOOR YOU STUPID PHONE ZOMBIE".

    A few years later I had the exact same exchange with someone blocking a shop door. And yes have had plenty of experiences of being stuck behind the slow-moving phone-hypnotised.

    We nearly ran over someone wandering into the road, staring fixedly at their phone. It was only Mrs Backdrifter's lightning reflexes that stopped it being potentially messy.

    I was heartened to read of someone so dazedly fixated on their phone they walked off the edge of a quay. I can laugh with impunity as they were unharmed while hopefully being soaked through with dirty water and feeling like a total idiot.

    Abandon all reason