What are your three favorite tracks on "i/o" at the moment? 62
Playing For Time (24) 39%
Four Kinds Of Horses (24) 39%
Live And Let Live (23) 37%
Road To Joy (19) 31%
Panopticom (18) 29%
Love Can Heal (15) 24%
i/o (13) 21%
The Court (12) 19%
And Still (10) 16%
This Is Home (8) 13%
Olive Tree (7) 11%
So Much (5) 8%
Ok, we like polls like "what are your three favorite tracks on this record?". Of course, i/o is special, so we thought why not do a special poll that gets updates once new tracks are being released and also will give you the chance to change your vote any time?
So let's start with six tracks now (June 2023) and more tracks will be added once they have been released. And then you can change you votes. Or change them when you change your mind.
Details about i/o are available in our i/o special here: