Genesis in the media

  • I'm not bothering with that. These lists are stupid.

    If they did a Worst Genesis Lists In Overpriced Rock Mags list, I might look at that, possibly.

    They most certainly are stupid. But it checks the box for "Genesis in the media"...

    Fwiw I also think it's interesting to see stuff about Genesis in these mags, as some sort of marker that they haven't completely faded from the collective consciousness. I would be very hard pressed to pay for one of them though, once every five years a special edition might come out that interests me and even then I balk at the ludicrous prices for what are largely vacuous articles devoid of any real new content. It's all a little vulture-like.

    As regard this specific one, a couple of choices I agree with, a few I don't. I like Lily-white Lilith!

  • Quote from Andrew Ridgely of Wham on today’s BBC site

    ‘We'd skip class, go to the chip shop, get a chicken and mushroom pie and listen to records. We had a very broad tastes - Queen, Elton John, Led Zeppelin. And we were big Genesis fans. The first gig we went to see was Genesis at Earls Court in 1978. I don't think George ever made mention of it because it didn't quite fit the image he wanted to portray.

  • Quote from Andrew Ridgely of Wham on today’s BBC site

    ‘We'd skip class, go to the chip shop, get a chicken and mushroom pie and listen to records. We had a very broad tastes - Queen, Elton John, Led Zeppelin. And we were big Genesis fans. The first gig we went to see was Genesis at Earls Court in 1978. I don't think George ever made mention of it because it didn't quite fit the image he wanted to portray.

    The perennial problem of Genesis and "cool"ness.

  • They most certainly are stupid. But it checks the box for "Genesis in the media"...

    As regard this specific one, a couple of choices I agree with, a few I don't. I like Lily-white Lilith!

    Oh absolutely it qualifies for this thread. It lists Lilith as a 'worst' track? Dah, ffs.

    Abandon all reason

  • The perennial problem of Genesis and "cool"ness.


    Side-note: he obviously means 1977 re the Earls Court gig.

    On a tangent from this but on the topic of early influences, veering off into the i/o tour, the programme features an interview with Robert Lepage whose theatre work I've hugely enjoyed over the years - it's rare that he doesn't have some aspect of his shows that's visually striking and innovative. So it was heartwarming to read him say in the programme that the entire reason he went into working in theatre is Genesis. He saw them in the early 70s and was so struck by the theatricality of the show he realised he wanted to somehow work in that medium.

    Being such an admirer of his work I love that he does it because of being influenced by another artist/act I admire.

    Abandon all reason

    Edited once, last by Backdrifter ().

  • Ever-reliable Guy Garvey played Entangled today on his 6Music 'Finest Hour' show (a misnomer as it's just expanded from 2 hours long to 3). I wasn't paying attention and was vaguely aware of a man's gabbling voice before it started, and it only occurred to me afterwards it was Rutherford speaking so I missed whatever that snippet was.

    He's played it before, also Ripples from that album.

    Abandon all reason

  • This is really not a Genesis in the media thing, but I don't think it deserves a separate thread so I'll post here.

    I started using our peloton recently (I don't love it, or even like it much, it's a means to an end) and just tonight discovered that you can search for artists, and it will display all of the classes that feature a song by that artist, and it will name that song. Of course I searched for Genesis... needless to say there were lots of classes with Invisible Touch, a few with Follow You Follow Me, a handful of Land of Confusion, That's All etc...

    A couple of the more strange ones I saw were Mama (on a 20 minute ride of all things! Feels like a lot of downtempo time for such a short session), Tonight Tonight Tonight, and a live version of Behind The Lines. There was also a five minute warm up ride featuring No Son Of Mine, so it's clearly the only track. Bit of a downer for working out to if you ask me!

    Anyway, I've gotten used to generic house music or some rock music I don't know playing in the background of these workouts, so it's interesting (to me) to see how different the experience could be.

  • I'm now going to stretch the use of this thread to what I reckon is its most tenuous extent yet. I confidently predict this will be the thinnest possible 'Genesis In The Media' vapour you can imagine. But hey, I started the thread so I feel some ownership of it so I can do what I want with it! Here we go.

    Being an election obsessive I was watching coverage of 3 regional by-elections in the small hours of the morning. One was in Somerset, and had a reporter on site at the vote count which was taking place in the Showering Pavilion of the Royal Bath Showground which, as the reporter noted, is where farm animals are raised. It's also where I saw Genesis play in 1982 on the Encore Tour. I could even pick out the spot where my friends and I stood. It was an odd venue then, essentially a big concrete agricultural shed, and seemed no less odd now.

    So there's my most nebulous contribution to this thread yet. I saw a journalist on TV reporting from a by-election count in a weird venue where I saw Genesis play 41 years ago.

    Abandon all reason

  • During some channel-surfing recently I saw a short segment of the show "911" where a young driver was unable to stop the fast car he was driving. The music chosen for this scene was Phil's "In the Air Tonight" -- which, IMO, didn't really fit.

    “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’” -- Yogi Berra

    A soldier survived mustard gas in combat, and then pepper spray from the police. He's now a seasoned veteran.

  • I'm now going to stretch the use of this thread to what I reckon is its most tenuous extent yet. I confidently predict this will be the thinnest possible 'Genesis In The Media' vapour you can imagine. But hey, I started the thread so I feel some ownership of it so I can do what I want with it! Here we go.

    Being an election obsessive I was watching coverage of 3 regional by-elections in the small hours of the morning. One was in Somerset, and had a reporter on site at the vote count which was taking place in the Showering Pavilion of the Royal Bath Showground which, as the reporter noted, is where farm animals are raised. It's also where I saw Genesis play in 1982 on the Encore Tour. I could even pick out the spot where my friends and I stood. It was an odd venue then, essentially a big concrete agricultural shed, and seemed no less odd now.

    So there's my most nebulous contribution to this thread yet. I saw a journalist on TV reporting from a by-election count in a weird venue where I saw Genesis play 41 years ago.

    I wonder if this counts as a niche entry? I’m currently using my very humble artistic skills to produce ‘Grandad’s Book of Birds’ for my, at the moment, two, grandchildren. Accepting that I might have more grandchildren in the future, this offering is never likely to have a print run in double figures. Today I’m working on Feral Pigeons and, as I often slip in a bit of a poetry quotation to go with a bird,

    I have obviously included a few (carefully chosen) lines from our heroes. Does this count as Genesis in the Media? I doubt it as it’s not exactly in the public domain but God loves a trier I’m told

  • I wonder if this counts as a niche entry? I’m currently using my very humble artistic skills to produce ‘Grandad’s Book of Birds’ for my, at the moment, two, grandchildren. Accepting that I might have more grandchildren in the future, this offering is never likely to have a print run in double figures. Today I’m working on Feral Pigeons and, as I often slip in a bit of a poetry quotation to go with a bird,

    I have obviously included a few (carefully chosen) lines from our heroes. Does this count as Genesis in the Media? I doubt it as it’s not exactly in the public domain but God loves a trier I’m told

    This definitely counts!

  • Mike Rutherford being interviewed on Sky whilst playing golf at Dunhill tournament in Scotland 🤣...he did mention was playing a low key show on the final evening with Tom Chaplin from Keane..

    • Official Post

    Mike Rutherford being interviewed on Sky whilst playing golf at Dunhill tournament in Scotland 🤣...he did mention was playing a low key show on the final evening with Tom Chaplin from Keane..

    Is this available online somewhere?

  • He also played Follow You Follow Me, AND Carpet Crawlers (Seconds Out version)

    I didn't hear the whole show so missed those.

    He's often played the Seconds Out CC and said when he was a kid it was like a lullaby for him. He's so devoted to it I've heard him announce it as per the Seconds Out listing 'The Carpet Crawl'

    Abandon all reason