Are political threads allowed?

  • This might be the icing on the cake. Giuliani and his ragtag smattering of lackeys announcing the Trump campaign's sad legal action. From a patch of ground outside a landscaping store next to a sex aid shop. Apparently someone booked Four Seasons Landscapers instead of the Four Seasons Hotel. This is even funnier than Trump losing. It's like something from an episode of Veep.

    I love the thought of a guy at the store taking the bizarre-sounding booking. "Uh... yeah okay.... (Boss, there's some lawyer guy wants to use the store to make an announcement, OK if I stick him in the parking lot?")

    Abandon all reason

  • Giuliani, who has had one of the saddest declines of any poitician anywhere in the world, wailing that the netowrks don't decide elections, the courts decide them. Actually Rudi, the voters decide them, and they just did - resoundingly.

    Remember four years ago when these people sneered at Clinton voters as 'snowflakes' and 'sore losers'? In fact they have done nothing else for four years. Clinton conceded very quickly. Hypocrisy in action. But as for Trump basically claiming that only votes for him are 'legal' (and he doesn't just mean the mail in votes) I just don't get that. They seem to think that elections can only be won by their side. This just never used to be the case before Trump came along.

    Hopefully it will all work out and we can Dance Into The Light (another song title which seems to work)!

  • Congratulations to Joe & Kamala! The first song that came into my head this morning was Bright Side Of The Road by Van Morrison - but coming here, I now think It's Gonna Get Better, because Joe has Just A Job To Do. A very big job, admittedly.

    Whoa! Just A Job To Do is about shooting someone! 😁😁😁😁. Will it really come that if DT doesn't leave the White House?😁😁😁😁

  • Whoa! Just A Job To Do is about shooting someone! 😁😁😁😁. Will it really come that if DT doesn't leave the White House?😁😁😁😁

    It was the first thing I thought of. I was trying to emphasise that despite what the Trumpists think the world hasn't ended. It might be important but in the end US President is just that - a job. I see your smilies but I think I need to explain that.

  • Why? Where has it got you, apart from maybe depressed? I didn't bother, and STILL came to exactly the same conclusion as you.

    It's to be hoped that he gets his come-uppance when the tax people etc catch up with him, but frankly, if he just disappears and Brand Trump never gets near any political office ever again, I'll be quite content.

    I followed it out of sheer morbid fascination and interest. It was such a crazy roller-coaster ride. So many twists and turns, and it just got crazier and crazier. Also I have a degree in American Studies and Media so I'm naturally fascinated by American affairs.

  • Also one thing I need to make clear: While I am pleased Biden and Harris won, I still believe that they are both highly flawed candidates. I've adopted increasingly left-wing views over the years and I now consider myself a socialist. So I am not "fans" of capitalists Biden and Harris. I just think Trump is considerably worse in every way. Biden and Harris are part of the corporate Democratic establishment and the Democratic Party continues to prove that it isn't willing to become more left-wing just because their voters are shifting leftwards; they are a centre-right party and will comprise with the Republicans until the cows come home. Don't get me wrong, they will do the right thing on occasion, but all of the progressive stuff Biden campaigned on will be blocked my Mitch McTurtle and GOP-majority senate.

  • Well, morbid fascination or not, I am watching from over here in Scotland and even from this distance appalled and unnerved by what is currently happening. I feel for all reasonable decent Americans right now, I can't imagine what it must be like - it's bad enough watching from afar.

    You expect it from a screeching solipsist piece of scum like Trump - he made it clear enough well before the election that he wasn't going to accept defeat and would do exactly what he is doing now. But worse than him are the senior Reps who, unlike him, are relatively normal sane people and absolutely know he has created a false alternative reality and is trampling US democracy and fairness into in the dirt. Yet they are enabling, promoting and supporting it. They have no shame, no decency, no conscience.

    American Studies? Future scholars will have rich pickings with the Trump administration and the 2020 election.

    Abandon all reason

  • Also one thing I need to make clear: While I am pleased Biden and Harris won, I still believe that they are both highly flawed candidates. I've adopted increasingly left-wing views over the years and I now consider myself a socialist. So I am not "fans" of capitalists Biden and Harris. I just think Trump is considerably worse in every way. Biden and Harris are part of the corporate Democratic establishment and the Democratic Party continues to prove that it isn't willing to become more left-wing just because their voters are shifting leftwards; they are a centre-right party and will comprise with the Republicans until the cows come home. Don't get me wrong, they will do the right thing on occasion, but all of the progressive stuff Biden campaigned on will be blocked my Mitch McTurtle and GOP-majority senate.

    Agreed. I am a registered Democrat, but I am not far left. I would call myself a liberal conservative. I agree with some of each party's platforms. Trump, though, is not worthy of the office of POTUS. There currently is not a Republican party,. It Is the party of Trump. January 20th cannot arrive soon enough.

  • Well, morbid fascination or not, I am watching from over here in Scotland and even from this distance appalled and unnerved by what is currently happening. I feel for all reasonable decent Americans right now, I can't imagine what it must be like - it's bad enough watching from afar.

    You expect it from a screeching solipsist piece of scum like Trump - he made it clear enough well before the election that he wasn't going to accept defeat and would do exactly what he is doing now. But worse than him are the senior Reps who, unlike him, are relatively normal sane people and absolutely know he has created a false alternative reality and is trampling US democracy and fairness into in the dirt. Yet they are enabling, promoting and supporting it. They have no shame, no decency, no conscience.

    American Studies? Future scholars will have rich pickings with the Trump administration and the 2020 election.

    Agree with much of this, the Republican Party members should be ashamed of themselves for allowing Trump to hi-jack their party just for a 4 year stint in office that has achieved nothing.


    Putting the old-fashioned Staffordshire plate in the dishwasher!

  • Also one thing I need to make clear: While I am pleased Biden and Harris won, I still believe that they are both highly flawed candidates. I've adopted increasingly left-wing views over the years and I now consider myself a socialist. So I am not "fans" of capitalists Biden and Harris. I just think Trump is considerably worse in every way. Biden and Harris are part of the corporate Democratic establishment and the Democratic Party continues to prove that it isn't willing to become more left-wing just because their voters are shifting leftwards; they are a centre-right party and will comprise with the Republicans until the cows come home. Don't get me wrong, they will do the right thing on occasion, but all of the progressive stuff Biden campaigned on will be blocked my Mitch McTurtle and GOP-majority senate.

    Never been a socialist. While they have a lot of very good and laudable ideas for things that need doing, they never have any concept of how to pay for any of it. Consequently, we have seen the political pendulum swing left and right on average every ten years here in the UK, with the left borrowing, and the right paying it back. Be nice if the borrowing was a party responsibility. Wonder how keen they'd be to borrow then? :/


    Putting the old-fashioned Staffordshire plate in the dishwasher!

  • I'm fascinated by Trump's groupies and amazed by the transversality of them. I confess, of the whole lot, Christians are the ones that fascinate me the most, more than raging capitalists and more than racists. They all have something in common though, when faced with facts, particularly over the elections results, they increasingly look like those kids that plug they ears and go LALALALALA, when talking to them, I CAN'T HEAR YOU LALALALALALALA.....

  • Also one thing I need to make clear: While I am pleased Biden and Harris won, I still believe that they are both highly flawed candidates. I've adopted increasingly left-wing views over the years and I now consider myself a socialist. So I am not "fans" of capitalists Biden and Harris. I just think Trump is considerably worse in every way. Biden and Harris are part of the corporate Democratic establishment and the Democratic Party continues to prove that it isn't willing to become more left-wing just because their voters are shifting leftwards; they are a centre-right party and will comprise with the Republicans until the cows come home. Don't get me wrong, they will do the right thing on occasion, but all of the progressive stuff Biden campaigned on will be blocked my Mitch McTurtle and GOP-majority senate.

    That's how democracy works though, doesn't it? If you like to think with your head it's unlikely you are going to find another one that thinks exactly like you, let alone an entire party, so you are going to have to vote for the least bad of the lot, pretty much always, I'd say. People are fallible and ideas get corrupted, one of the many reasons why the GOP are successful is that they are of course scrupleless and pragmatists, they have a line, they follow it, whereas the left is often inclined to shoot themselves in the foot. It happened 4 years ago, when they decided that it was going to be either Bernie or dead and from what I read it's going to be the same again.

  • Pompeo is asked if the State Dept will engage with Biden's transition team. His reply is "There will be a smooth transition to a 2nd Trump term".

    The Secretary of State has essentially just announced a coup.

    These people are utter vermin.

    Abandon all reason

  • Pompeo is asked if the State Dept will engage with Biden's transition team. His reply is "There will be a smooth transition to a 2nd Trump term".

    The Secretary of State has essentially just announced a coup.

    These people are utter vermin.

    It's basically their country, that's the message they are sending, they do as they please with it, losing is not an option, if they do they move the goal posts, over and over and go home with the ball. Despicable.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fabrizio ().

  • Didn't catch the name of the Republican who said the other day, "It's time for Trump to put his big boy pants on". Couldn't put it better.

    As for Pompeo, if you look carefully, you can probably see the strings...….. ;)


    Putting the old-fashioned Staffordshire plate in the dishwasher!

  • Agreed. I am a registered Democrat, but I am not far left. I would call myself a liberal conservative. I agree with some of each party's platforms. Trump, though, is not worthy of the office of POTUS. There currently is not a Republican party,. It Is the party of Trump. January 20th cannot arrive soon enough.

    I couldn't vote as I'm not a citizen, although I live in the US and will do so for the foreseeable future. As something of an outsider viewing the process up close, I'm frequently struck by the frameshift in what constitutes 'left', 'right' and especially 'far left' here. To be clear: I don't view the policies of the 'far left' like bernie sanders as extreme in any way. They are only extreme if the reference, or so called center, is already way over to the right.

    The bbc had an infographic (I hate that word) showing the relative positions of american and non-american politicians on a variety of different issues, and on healthcare Boris Johnson was to the left of Bernie! So it's all relative I guess. I feel frustrated when what I see as common sense policies like universal healthcare or maternity leave are derided as socialist like it's some dirty word that shall not be spoken, or best of all communist.

    I would have voted for biden. Trump is vandalizing what little remains of decorum in the US political process. He is a scumbag.

  • It was the first thing I thought of. I was trying to emphasise that despite what the Trumpists think the world hasn't ended. It might be important but in the end US President is just that - a job. I see your smilies but I think I need to explain that.

    Yes . I got it. Hope you didn't I was being patronising. I couldn't help commenting. I wrote my exact thoughts as I read your post, I had a grin at the image of a gun fight to get him out. Bizarrely it's not looking beyond the realms of possibility. I wonder in what manner he actually will go .