Because I want to cry.

Are political threads allowed?
You and me both...................
I thought it would be a tory majority but not this big.
They adopted a killer tactic: fiercely target the Wales, Midlands and Northern England areas many of which were Labour strongholds but which were strongly Leave, and push that 3-word phrase. Those people were so conned into thinking EU membership is the source of all their woes, they embraced those 3 words. They'll find out the hard way this isn't their silver bullet.
All the above was combined with Corbyn not being convincing enough on his brexit dithering, socialism not being popular with the british public, his low approval rating, all propped up by relentless media attacks on him. His poor handling of anti-semitism in the party harmed him too. It should be noted though that again the media helped the tories here by continuously focusing on that while giving the tories a free pass over the anti-muslim attitudes rife in their party.
All this enabled the waving-away of Johnson's faults - his own racist and homophobic comments, his constant daily lying, his running scared of certain TV interviews, his open hostility to UK-based EU citizens, and his party's distorted campaign of lies, deceit and misinformation. There are areas Labour since the 20s and 30s that have fallen. It's a catastro-f*ck. Expect 15 years of tory rule as this result is on par with Labour having to claw their way back from the Foot 1983 collapse.
Just to be clear: Until 2017 I was a Tory because my parents were. So I voted Tory in 2015, Brexit in 2016 (worst mistake of my life) and Tory again in 2017 (although very reluctantly as by that point I was upset with them). I stopped supporting the Tories in 2017 and started supporting the Liberal Democrats. I voted Lib Dem in this year's local elections. However, I then switched to Labour for this election because of tactical voting, and I feel like I want to support Labour from now on.
So yeah... I'm partially to blame for anything that happens. You guys don't know how much I regret my Brexit vote, it made me depressed in 2018 thinking about it knowing I was so gullible. I'm so sorry everyone.
I'm partially to blame for anything that happens. You guys don't know how much I regret my Brexit vote, it made me depressed in 2018 thinking about it knowing I was so gullible. I'm so sorry everyone.
It's decent of you to say it but I think you're being harsh on yourself. The Leave rhetoric was persuasive and co-ordinated, while the Remain campaign was terrible and rooted in presumptuous complacency. Many leave voters now feel they made the wrong choice.
At least you can absolve yourself of direct responsibility for the ensuing Johnson government!
It's decent of you to say it but I think you're being harsh on yourself. The Leave rhetoric was persuasive and co-ordinated, while the Remain campaign was terrible and rooted in presumptuous complacency. Many leave voters now feel they made the wrong choice.
At least you can absolve yourself of direct responsibility for the ensuing Johnson government!
This is true. I may have voted Brexit (massive mistake) but didn't vote Johnson.
It's decent of you to say it but I think you're being harsh on yourself. The Leave rhetoric was persuasive and co-ordinated, while the Remain campaign was terrible and rooted in presumptuous complacency. Many leave voters now feel they made the wrong choice.
At least you can absolve yourself of direct responsibility for the ensuing Johnson government!
To be fair, supporting the EU is also rooted in presumptuous complacency. The presumption being that the EU is the answer to everything. It isn't. The Eu is a slow, bureaucratic dinosaur that has seen Europe slip from being a world power to a has-been. China is the rising world power, America is arguably the current leader, but will soon wave goodbye to that, and Japan and South Korea are likely going to pass the US too.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a proud European, but Europe and the EU are not the same thing, thank goodness. Sadly, the EU and it's influence result in the complacency we see in such things as car building. Remember the days when German cars were, arguably, the best in the World? I guess maybe they now take it for granted. Take a look at any German car introduced during the last 20 years in the good & bad section of, the list of design issues is as long as your arm.
As for political leaders, be it Johnson or anyone else, they are all liars, and thus why do we need another 3 or 4 layers of "leaders" above our national government? All diverting funds from issues that could be better served internally.
Still, it would be nice to think that this time, the vote winners will not have to put up with another 3+ years of whinging by the hypocrites who voted in the referendum but were unwilling to accept the result.
I was anti Brexit from day one. Glad that Johnson has won and hate Corbyn ....
- Official Post
You may discuss politics here - but please never get personal against others, that's the main think I'd ask for.
And, for the record: I consider myself EUROPEAN, not GERMAN!
I was anti Brexit from day one. Glad that Johnson has won and hate Corbyn ....
I don't hate Corbyn, but never believed he was cut out for leadership and found his approach often frustrating. However, nothing in this universe could induce me to say in any conceivable way that I'm glad Johnson won. It wasn't a great choice, him vs Corbyn, but a minority Labour government could have been held in check by coalition partners. Still not an ideal government by a long way of course, but this big tory majority is extremely bad news. The poorest and most vulnerable people in the UK, many of whom voted Johnson in, will discover this to their cost over the next few years.
Goodbye Britain, take care.
We can also say goodbye to America today as well. They might as well give Trump a crown and sceptor because the Republican senators just made him king. It's a sad day for both Britain and the U S.
We can also say goodbye to America today as well. They might as well give Trump a crown and sceptor because the Republican senators just made him king. It's a sad day for both Britain and the U S.
The only recourse for those who want any chance of America being a democratic republic instead of a Trump monarchy is to vote against every single Republican senator up for re-election in November (w/ matching votes for representative and president would be very helpful as well).
Today was an very embarrassing vote - November is the last chance to make up for it (unless Bolton and/or Parnas have the greatest "hail mary" pass ready to go tonight or tomorrow).
The Senate vote was never in any doubt, sadly.
Since 2016 I've seen Dems saying Trump can't get elected, then that he wouldn't survive, over and over. Each successive outrageous utterance and action came and went. Then we heard he'd be impeached and removed.
Get ready for him being re-elected this year. I don't mean to be fatalistic but unless the Dems field a solid credible candidate who can outrun him on the issues - not on him as a person as that won't cut it with his supporters - and sweep up the floating voters, it'll be 4 more years. After which, America will have the job of dealing with deep, deep divisions that may take generations to heal, a task that also faces the Disunited Kingdom.
Goodbye Britain, take care.
I've been at work in London this week so have been present for this shite evening. But hey, that's it it's now down to Leavers to show the rest of us that things are going to be so much better than they were as part of the EU and that our lives are going to improve significantly. And for Johnson to "bring us together" as he keeps telling us he will.
In a few hours I fly back home to Scotland, a nation dragged out of the EU against its will. I hear and see stuff in England that makes me feel I no longer recognise the nation of my birth. To quote Withnail and I, "we are indeed drifting into the arena of the unwell".
I've been at work in London this week so have been present for this shite evening. But hey, that's it it's now down to Leavers to show the rest of us that things are going to be so much better than they were as part of the EU and that our lives are going to improve significantly. And for Johnson to "bring us together" as he keeps telling us he will.
In a few hours I fly back home to Scotland, a nation dragged out of the EU against its will. I hear and see stuff in England that makes me feel I no longer recognise the nation of my birth. To quote Withnail and I, "we are indeed drifting into the arena of the unwell".
I agree with your post, and I'm very sorry with what's become of your lovely country. I was only ever in England (Birmingham) when I was 3 months old, and I'm sure it's no longer the town my mother was born in, but I've always proudly considered myself British-Canadian. I have dual citizenship with Canada/USA and have been thinking I may prefer moving to Canada if Trump is re-elected. I have no doubt it will be a corrupt process that gives him 4 more years. Your Withnail quote is very appropriate, sad to say.
I agree with your post, and I'm very sorry with what's become of your lovely country. I was only ever in England (Birmingham) when I was 3 months old, and I'm sure it's no longer the town my mother was born in, but I've always proudly considered myself British-Canadian. I have dual citizenship with Canada/USA and have been thinking I may prefer moving to Canada if Trump is re-elected. I have no doubt it will be a corrupt process that gives him 4 more years. Your Withnail quote is very appropriate, sad to say.
Thanks. You're not the first person I've hard say they're considering relocating to Canada and I've heard many English people talk about moving to Scotland. There's something unpleasant in the air in England that I haven't experienced since the 1970s.
Well at least we all seem to be on the same page here. Makes you wonder where all the right-wingers are...
There were yahoos letting off fireworks in my neighbourhood last night at midnight. Poor saps think there's something to be celebrated. How wrong can you be?
Well at least we all seem to be on the same page here. Makes you wonder where all the right-wingers are...
There were yahoos letting off fireworks in my neighbourhood last night at midnight. Poor saps think there's something to be celebrated. How wrong can you be?
I heard some fireworks in the distance from my very Remainy corner of SW London.
I've rarely wanted more to be wrong about something than brexit. This year will be a bit of a phoney war and it won't be until 2021 that we start to get the full feel of it.
We can also say goodbye to America today as well. They might as well give Trump a crown and sceptor because the Republican senators just made him king. It's a sad day for both Britain and the U S.
Hear hear.
My fear that once Trump is re-elected, he will want the two term limit for the presidency abolished. After all, it has now become a fact that if a president does something to get himself re-elected because he believes it is in the ' national interest' then surely that national interest would allow him to be president for as long as he likes. It is a very slippery slope these Republicans have embarked upon. ' Do you know what you have done'.
As for Brexit I'm just sad about it.…on-history-done -