GENESIS: "Looking For Someone (Else)" - Changes in 1970 (Website Feature)

  • Hi everybody

    Our research team has been quite busy lately and now we have yet another website feature online, this time dealing with all the changes within Genesis in the summer of 1970.

    Special thanks go to Mario Giammetti, who helped a lot putting this together and to Phil Morris for his valuable comments / corrections.

    Here it is:

    Genesis News Com [it]: Genesis - Looking For Someone (Else): Changes in the band (summer 1970) (

  • John Mayhew, Anthony Phillips

    Phil Collins, Ronnie Caryl, Mick Barnard, Steve Hackett

  • Interesting feature - thanks.

    There are quite a few things in that article I wasn't aware of, like Ronnie Caryl's Genesis story.

    ... there's a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in

  • Thanks for the interesting insights. I always wonderer what became of Mick Barnard after Genesis, are there any information? Also his band The Farm would be nice to know more about.

    That Peter Gabriel letter to Kim Shaheen is curious too. Talking about the band working on "your" (Kim's) songs? A U.S. tour that was postponed to late in 1971? Looks like Peter was making things up to make Genesis appear more interesting? :/

  • I always wonderer what became of Mick Barnard after Genesis, are there any information?

    Per his Wikipedia page (yes, he has one): "After leaving Genesis, Barnard embarked on a successful career in audio engineering, founding the Bel Digital Audio company in 1975." There's even a link to a brochure from the company, complete with a fairly recent photo of Mick.

    “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’” -- Yogi Berra

    A soldier survived mustard gas in combat, and then pepper spray from the police. He's now a seasoned veteran.

  • Thanks for the interesting insights. I always wonderer what became of Mick Barnard after Genesis, are there any information? Also his band The Farm would be nice to know more about.

    a quick translation from DUSK / Mario Giammetti:


    Have you continued to play after Genesis?

    One of the bands which I wanted to get into was Blossom Toes. I think the guitarist eventually went with Rod Stewart. When I went to try out with them they were really quite heavily into drugs and things, they were spaced-out type of people. We never did that with Genesis - not our scene. So I walked away from that but they were a good band. I got married, had kids, brought them up for twenty odd years and I've only started playing again in the last three years. I'm now playing quite a lot with blues bands. And that's my love of music mainly, I suppose, jazz and blues. But I can't understand why I stopped for twenty years. I think mainly it was because I brought up a family and I became a money-making machine.

    Have you ever seen any of the Genesis members afterwards?

    No. I've been to a couple of concerts. The latest one I went to was probably about four years ago with their new singer at the time just before they broke up.

    N.E.C Birmingham. I had some dealings with, sort of an intermediary because I went into making recording studio equipment, and one of the pieces of equipment we eventually sold was to Phil Collins. That was the time when the samplers were coming out. But I've never actually met them ever since, no.




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  • Thanks for posting this - a really interesting read!