TotW 01/22/2024 - 01/28/2024: PETER GABRIEL - Four Kinds Of Horses

  • Your rating for "Four Kinds Of Horses" by PETER GABRIEL 17

    1. 15 points - outstanding (4) 24%
    2. 14 points - very good (8) 47%
    3. 13 points - very good - (3) 18%
    4. 12 points - good + (2) 12%
    5. 11 points - good (0) 0%
    6. 10 points - good - (0) 0%
    7. 09 points - satisfactory + (0) 0%
    8. 08 points - satisfactory (0) 0%
    9. 07 points - satisfactory - (0) 0%
    10. 06 points - sufficient + (0) 0%
    11. 05 points - sufficient (0) 0%
    12. 04 points - sufficient - (0) 0%
    13. 03 points - poor + (0) 0%
    14. 02 points - poor (0) 0%
    15. 01 points - poor - (0) 0%
    16. 00 points - abysmal (0) 0%

    We invite you to share interesting facts and tidbits about this track. Let's look at the track in the context of the band's / the artist's history, at the music, the songwriting and all other aspects that are relevant for this track. Please do stick to the discussion of the track above. Comparisons to other tracks are okay, but remember that the other track you may be keen to talk about has or will have its own Track Of The Week thread. If you spot a mistake or if you can close a gap in the fact sheet above please feel free to contact martinus or Christian about it; we will gladly add and improve!

    PETER GABRIEL - Four Kinds Of Horses
    Year: 2023
    Album: i/o
    Working title: ?
    Credits: Gabriel
    Lyrics: Yes
    Length: 6:44
    Musicians: Peter Gabriel, Tony Levin, David Rhodes, Manu Katche, Katie Mai, Oli Jacobs, Brian Eno, Richard Russell, Melanie Gabriel
    Played live: 2023
    Cover versions: none

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    Notes: According to some polls, this could be the fans' favorite track from Peter's latest album i/o. FOur Kinds Of Horses creates a special atmosphere and those "electric worms" by Brian Eno are a nice addition.




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  • It's my favorite track on the album. I just love the atmosphere it creates. Somehow stately but unsettling. The overlapping vocals around the verses are effective too. I was going to give it 14, but I might just go ahead and upgrade that now.

  • It's my favorite track on the album. I just love the atmosphere it creates. Somehow stately but unsettling. The overlapping vocals around the verses are effective too. I was going to give it 14, but I might just go ahead and upgrade that now.

    same here

    it reminded me a bit of Signal to noise - the whole mood, the way the song builds up...