TotW 04/01/2024 - 04/07/2024: MIKE + THE MECHANICS - Background Noise

  • Your rating for "Background Noise" by MIKE + THE MECHANICS 15

    1. 15 points - outstanding (0) 0%
    2. 14 points - very good (0) 0%
    3. 13 points - very good - (2) 13%
    4. 12 points - good + (5) 33%
    5. 11 points - good (1) 7%
    6. 10 points - good - (2) 13%
    7. 09 points - satisfactory + (3) 20%
    8. 08 points - satisfactory (1) 7%
    9. 07 points - satisfactory - (0) 0%
    10. 06 points - sufficient + (1) 7%
    11. 05 points - sufficient (0) 0%
    12. 04 points - sufficient - (0) 0%
    13. 03 points - poor + (0) 0%
    14. 02 points - poor (0) 0%
    15. 01 points - poor - (0) 0%
    16. 00 points - abysmal (0) 0%

    We invite you to share interesting facts and tidbits about this track. Let's look at the track in the context of the band's / the artist's history, at the music, the songwriting and all other aspects that are relevant for this track. Please do stick to the discussion of the track above. Comparisons to other tracks are okay, but remember that the other track you may be keen to talk about has or will have its own Track Of The Week thread. If you spot a mistake or if you can close a gap in the fact sheet above please feel free to contact martinus or Christian about it; we will gladly add and improve!

    MIKE + THE MECHANICS - Background Noise

    Year: 2011
    Album: The Road
    Working title: ?
    Credits: Rutherford / Carstens / Neil
    Lyrics: Yes
    Length: 4:15
    Musicians: Mike Rutherford, Arno Carstens, Tim Howar, Christopher Neill, Hazel Fernandez, Beverly Brown, Mary Pearce, Anthony Drennan, Martin Sutton, Andrew Roachford, Luke Juby, Toby Chapman, Gary Wallis, Harry Rutherford, Peter Adams, Martin Sutton
    Played live: never
    Cover versions:

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    Notes: The Mechanics reorganised their personnel 14 years ago. This was nothing completely new at the time, but all positions were changed - apart from Mike, of course. And Paul Carrack was missing for the first time. This week we present one of the songs from the quasi-debut album of the "new" Mechanics. Interestingly, none of the then new lead singers Tim Howar and Andrew Roachford sing on this track, but one of the songwriters Arno Carstens. Sounds German, but it's not. Arno Carstens is a South African whose solo work is probably not known to many people. Incidentally, there is no mention of his involvement with Mike + The Mechanics on his website (




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  • Quite a good track and somehow a shame Arno Carstens didn't become a regular member of M&TM. But he's in South Africa, so logistics would have been rather difficult.

    11 from me.

  • Barring a couple of songs from the first album (which was the first and last one I ever bought), I hadn't heard anything from M&TM that enticed me enough to want to buy more of their music.

    But I actually don't mind the few songs I've heard from The Road, including this one - and I quite like the title track from that album.

    I think I will likely pick up The Road at some point.

  • I'm not much of a Mike + the Mechanics fan, especially anything after Beggar on a Beach of Gold.

    I liked this more than I thought I would. I give it a 9.

    some of the later stuff has grown over time (at least for me). I like the "Rewired" album, and I also like parts of "The Road" (like this track, Background Noise) and also half of "Let Me Fly".

  • Sufficient in that it would slot comfortably into a Radio 2 smooth list containing the Corrs, except the Corrs would be better.

    Quality production, playing and singing. Doesn’t trouble the soul. Proper music does

  • Sufficient in that it would slot comfortably into a Radio 2 smooth list containing the Corrs, except the Corrs would be better.

    Quality production, playing and singing. Doesn’t trouble the soul. Proper music does

    Would have to agree. Far too much of their discography is similar-sounding mushy, syrupy ballads that leave little impression.

    A pity as when they rocked out (Silent Running, Hanging by a Thread), they were pretty damn good.