a genesis dream

  • Many years ago, one of us used to walk past a disused milk storage facility on the way to school. Some nights, I would dream that I spotted Genesis rehearsing there.

    Sadly the dream used to end with them all catching me watching, then one of the members turning around and saying to me, its your fault the show/tour is cancelled. I assumed because I caught them rehearsing and that they spotted me.

    Eventually, this dream wore itself out and it stopped happening. As we all know Genesis would reform and go on tour in 2007. Phew I was off the hook!

    Dreams are strange things.


  • This isn’t a dream, but yesterday I was listening to the 70s station on satellite radio here in the US. Suddenly this thought popped into my head “They’re playing Phil Collins or Genesis on the 80s station right now.” So I hit the button for the 80s station and I hear “Well I’ve been waiting for this weekend, I thought that maybe we could see a show.”

  • This isn’t a dream, but yesterday I was listening to the 70s station on satellite radio here in the US. Suddenly this thought popped into my head “They’re playing Phil Collins or Genesis on the 80s station right now.” So I hit the button for the 80s station and I hear “Well I’ve been waiting for this weekend, I thought that maybe we could see a show.”

    the song turn it on again says "all i need is a tv show",

    and the song misunderstanding says "i thought that maybe we could see a show".

    it seems like misunderstanding is not so out of place in the 'duke' album, after all. :P

  • This sounds like a movie scene. "Only members of the sacred circle have permission to participate in this secret ceremony. As you became an unwelcomed witness of our rites, we shall purify our temple with your sacrifice." And then the murders began...

  • Last night, a dream. I was in a bar somewhere in Scotland. I heard the very distinctive tones of Tony Banks and whirled around to find him with a small entourage apparently conducting some kind of business, approving something then nodding and heading swiftly off. Only just gathering my thoughts from this surprise I scrambled to my feet and rushed out only to see him get in a car and be driven off. I'd missed the chance to say I'd be at the final gig, wish them all the best and thank him for much enjoyment over the years.

    EDIT: although my Dream Self at least got to chat with him, a few posts ago. So if I had accosted him in this dream he'd have likely sighed and said "You again?!"

    Abandon all reason

    Edited once, last by Backdrifter ().

  • A dream last night: Genesis suddenly announce they're doing a final final last-ever show, in one of the London parks. I manage to get a centre front row seat.

    As fellow Radiohead fans might say: (Nice Dream)

    Abandon all reason

  • A couple of nights ago I had a dream that Ray Wilson was playing a show of Genesis songs and that Tony and Mike would be in attendance. I rushed there after work expecting a sizeable show and probably the trio playing some songs, but it was in a small lounge and Ray was just playing the last song, the title track off CAS, by himself with an acoustic guitar. Tony and Mike were indeed in attendance. The small crowd was seated at circular tables. Mike and Tony did photo shoots with members of the crowd in the parking lot after. The show was in a remote place so I had to figure out how to get home and was trying to order an Uber or something when it ended.

    I think a couple of words passed between me and either Tony or Mike, but I can't remember what.

  • Last night I dreamed that my wife and I were watching some sort of "video album" of SELLING ENGLAND BY THE POUND. The idea, apparently, was that various live-action visuals (not involving band members) were shown while the songs were playing. In the dream nothing from Side 1 actually played, except possibly "More Fool Me" (or something with Phil singing -- apparently there were supposed to be a couple of "extra tracks" included).

    Anyway, I wasn't especially looking forward to "Epping Forest" because I knew my wife would find it incomprehensible and probably a bit annoying. But it was even worse than I expected. In the video, the song kept being stopped and restarted, with long scenes in between where actors did their bits without any music behind them. During one of these scenes I left the house for several minutes, for no clear purpose, but when I came back the song still hadn't resumed. The one "scene" I remember showed one of the characters (apparently "William Wright") vandalizing the speaker at some sort of drive-through window, but being allowed to get away with it because of his imposing size.

    “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’” -- Yogi Berra

    A soldier survived mustard gas in combat, and then pepper spray from the police. He's now a seasoned veteran.

  • You really like the song, don't you?

    Actually, a lot of times when I think I want to listen to SELLING, "Epping Forest" is the track that makes me decide not to just yet!

    “When the waitress asked if I wanted my pizza cut into four or eight slices, I said, ‘Four. I don’t think I can eat eight.’” -- Yogi Berra

    A soldier survived mustard gas in combat, and then pepper spray from the police. He's now a seasoned veteran.

  • Actually, a lot of times when I think I want to listen to SELLING, "Epping Forest" is the track that makes me decide not to just yet!

    I find Battle so overwrought and such a slog that I haven't listened to it in many years except for the Reverend section which I love. But I must give the whole album a complete listen soon.

    Abandon all reason

  • I’ve found a dream thread to resurrect because of one I had last night.

    Genesis had reformed for one huge final open air gig in some strange location on the edge of a forest. Phil was in rude health, Chester was there too and the stage set was similar to 2007 but grander. Anyway, the band was absolutely on fire, playing better than ever before, and then Phil announced, “we haven’t done this in a while” and moments later the opening bars of Suppers Ready started. But then it got weird because every couple of minutes during the first half Phil would shout “hold on, hold on”’and wave everybody to a halt before starting a stand up routine - “have you heard the one about…” and so it continued with them stuttering on surreally and much to our increasing annoyance.

    “He’s the guaranteed eternal sanctuary… hold on…I’ve got one for ya’ about this bloke, you’ll like this…”

    That is until they eventually got to “a flower” at which point Phil marched to the drum riser and out from the wings popped Peter Gabriel. The crowd went berserk and the rest of the gig was so good it was spiritual.

    At the end I was in bits from a combination of the band finishing their career as rock gods and the realisation that my phone hadn’t worked so I had no record of it. I called my brother in frustration only to be told I was a complete muppet because the show had been broadcast on TV and radio round the world.

    Feck knows where that came from or what it all means but it was a truly surreal Genesis dream.

  • I sometimes have dreams of being on errands or whatever, and finding rare single/b-side releases in music stores I stop in. In one particular type of dream I often have, there are several additional songs from the Duke releases that I don't have, and I find the singles that have those songs - but DON'T have enough money to buy them!!!!

    And the format of these singles all look kind of like the 7" single for Duchess-front and back LOL!

    Thanks Discogs.

  • Yours incorporates elements that are mentioned earlier in the thread, such as interruptions and woodland locations - the latter have certainly featured in mine.

    Bit harsh of your brother there.

    Abandon all reason

  • Yours incorporates elements that are mentioned earlier in the thread, such as interruptions and woodland locations - the latter have certainly featured in mine.

    Bit harsh of your brother there.

    ^^ He's actually the most mild-mannered bloke you could come across, so his reaction was certainly out of character.

    Yes you're right, there are themes here. We'll have to dig into dream interpretations and see what they reveal.

  • Dream last night: Genesis wanted to do a shower song, ie a song about taking a shower, to be performed while taking a shower. I'd submitted an idea they'd decided to use and would get to perform it with them in the shower session - WITH EVERYONE IN SWIMWEAR BY THE WAY, there was nothing weird about it okay?

    Only Banks and Gabriel seemed to be there. PG was scribbling a few last-minute lyric tweaks, and wondered whether to leave in the word smells. I thought it might be a difficult word to sing and turned to Paul McCartney, who of course was sitting nearby, to ask his opinion on words it's hard to get your mouth around. He thought about it, started answering but PG & TB were ready and headed off to the shower, so I had to apologetically interrupt Macca's musings before he could give any examples of difficult singing words, and tell him I was off to this shower session - "Oh yeah I heard about that" he said.

    In the shower cubicle, PG, TB, a few others I can't remember and I were prepping, STILL FULLY CLOTHED. TB was being very fussy about what shower gel was going to be used. I handed him the bottle and he opened it, sniffed, seemed okay with the fragrance then inspected the bottle and his face fell - he didn't like that it was an all-in-one soap, shampoo and hair conditioner. It looked like a different product would have to be fetched, but then he said oh well, I suppose we can go with this, and he handed it back to me. Phew!

    Now I realise you're all desperate to know what happened next and how the session turned out but sorry, that's when I woke up. And now you can too.

    Abandon all reason